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Dear O2,

I have  Free Unlimited Max Online contract, But I got only 15/5Mb/s down and upload speed.
Please help me to fix this. My router works perfectly.

Thank you Patrik Béres

Hello @bres

It´s understandable that you want higher speeds than are currently available.

Where are the restrictions in your mobile network? Would you like to name a nearby street? Then we'll gladly take a look for you :) 

Have you checked our Livecheck to see if there are already any interference reports? You can also report restrictions there by yourself, so that the technical team is directly informed.

Best regards 

Yes I already checked, my address is Günzburg Legoland alle. 
thank you 

Hello @bres

I have just checked the address for you. Maintenance work is currently being carried out at the nearest base station, so there may be restrictions. 

Please keep an eye on our Livecheck and report any faults there, so that you are informed as soon as they have been fixed.

Best regards 

The problem is, from that when I got the contract/sim card, I got just only 15/5Mb/s what is more then a year now...

Hey @bres,

I assume that you live near Legoland? In areas like this with lots of people, the station can easily become overloaded. Is the low speed only at your home address or everywhere?


Technically the Season is over, so right now the whole place is a ghost town.
So no, it can’t be.


Did you have ever check the simcard in a mobile phone? 


Yes, i did, 3 different devices, phone, tablet and a 4g router. still 15Mb/s download, and 3 upload.

And outside your House? 

Ofc I did, even in my city too. nothing changed. I tried different LTE bands on my router, different positions, longer antennas too.

I think, when I bought/made the contract/sim card, somebody just made a mistake, and didn’t “choose/activated” the correct type to me. Here is a picture about the “Unlimited Smart” package.
So may I ask you, to check it? Thank you


Hello @bres ,

you do have a o2 Free Unlimited Max contract, a lower speed can have many reasons. It could also depend on what Bands are avaiable from the coverage at your address.


Kind regards, Sven

I am living surrounded by band 20 and far as I know, it’s could possibly 300mb/s but it’s just maximum 20. Literally I am living next to the 101035 tower.


Hey @bres,

Just to be sure: you're not on the 5G network? 



Nope, I am 100% sure that i am on 4g on the router.


Hey @bres,

Could it be that the router is defective? Which device are you using?



Nope, I tried with my phone and tablet too, it’s the same. :/

Hey @bres,

I've just checked again and I really can't see any interference in the 4G range. You said that you are quite close to the mast. Can there still be any structural restrictions that make a connection difficult? 

What's it like when you're out and about with your mobile phone? 



A little update; I moved the last month to Burgau (15 km away from the previous address).

Technically I am living under a Cell Tower, and still not get the right amount of connection (better the pervious one).
I was outside with my phone (iPhone 12 mini), my router is sitting in the window(Just like in the previous place).

I will move back to Günzburg Legoland Alle 2, where is another cell tower. So even here (Burgau) a little bit better, I will not live here, but only until march.


Hey @bres,

I can actually see planned work on a station in Burgau. There may be a defect here. So that would be an explanation even if you are in direct line of sight. 


But I have problem in Günzburg Legoland too.
What means I have problem under 2 of the tower too. Just how a described earlier.


Hey @bres,

I'm not really getting anywhere. I can't recognise any errors on the network side, which is why I'm guessing a problem with the device... Maybe we'll ask a community expert!

Perhaps @Joe Doe, @Tom_ or @schluej habe another idea? 🤔


So update;

I went to the O2’s shop and I expended/updated my contract, with a partner/2nd SIM card…
But it’s still low and still don’t get the right amount of bandwidth… It’s really frustrating because i am paying 100 Euros. I am using a 300 euros router, and still the same with phone or with my tablet too… It’s just driving me crazy I can’t watch 1080p stream on twitch or even the youtube is struggling too… And i am not talking about how I trying to play videogames… I am pissed of and mad, badly. So please do something because I lost my patient…

I am not running anything as you can see in Task Manager...


Hello @bres, I just took another look at the surroundings of Legoland in Günzburg.

Unfortunately, the mast in your screenshot is still affected by performance limitations.

Can you check via your router to which base station your router connects?

Is it the one in your screenshot or a different one?

There should actually be two more base stations that reach up to Legoland.

One is the station at Wasserburger Höhe northwest of you, and one is southwest of you next to the Kleinkötz cemetery.

Perhaps it would help to point the router in these directions?

Best regards




Unfortunately I can’t witch one is connected to. What I can is; choose different band 1,3,7,20 etc. But i tried many of them and it was worse or the same.

My router is in the window, already tried different positions too. 

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