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I can’t understand my phone bill

Hey Guys I received a mail from O2 saying I have to pay 171€ I have a prepaid network and I didn’t receive any message saying your user mobile data is over and I don’t know I was not on roaming 

Edit o2_Antje: Moved from o2 Home to English Community 

You have posted in the forum section for o2 Home Internet but you talok about prepaid and mobile data. What exactly is the bill for (which tarif)?

If you do not understand it you can post a screenshot of page 2 here, but please remove any personal information first.

Please use punctuation!

Thank you 

idk how do I do it

Take a picture and upload it. See red arrow.

on a cell phone use landscape format


Thank you may I know where can I post it…

it says “ 

edit o2_Gerrit 03.07.2024 21:30 phone numbers hidden

  • Grundgebühr = Basic charge
  • Verbindungen & Services = Connections & Services
    Have you had conversations abroad? 
  • Vergünstigungen / Guthaben = Benefits / credits

Thank you 

idk how do I do it


Yeah I but I paid the fees already which is 79€s last month 

You did it. Now you need to answer the questions:

Did you use your phone abroad outside the EU? Or did you make calls from Germany to another country?

Yeah I but I paid the fees already which is 79€s last month 

These are new charges for this month.

I didn’t use my phone abroad but I called outside the country but and I paid the bill which is 79€ already 

Hello @Jeshuran,

welcome to our o2 Community 🙂

As schluej wrote, “Verbindungen” below “Verbindungen & Services” means that the connestions were within or from Germany abroad. Within would mean special numbers which have a fee per minute, abroad can also be connection to a network and number in a EU country or to another country.

Best Regards,



I didn’t call any one this month 🥲

@Jeshuran 79 € has been the bill before for the period 28.04.2024 - 27.05.2024, the current bill is for the period up to 27.06.2024.

Did you call outiside to a EU country?

Best Regards,



Where did you call from and to?

From Germany to India 

Only calls with in Germany phone work will not be charged!

The following „German“ numbers will be charged:

  • 01801 to 01805
  • 0900
  • 0137x
  • 118xy and 0190xyz

The costs for calls abroad and special number can be found here

I am not sure, India should be about 1,5€/Min so about 80 minutes call for India…

Hello @Jeshuran

the cost for calls from Germany to India via mobile - and also via landline - are quite prohibitively.

It might be a good idea to use for example your mobile data and call via whatsapp or other platforms. 

If that is not a solution, other providers do have faer cheaper fees from Germany - Ortel, which belongs to o2/Telefonica has this: 

and here the “smallprint”: 

Best Regards,


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