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Contract extenstions of DSL + mobile gone wrong

Hi O2 team,

I’m in touch with you in the last few months for contract extensions of both my DSL and my mobile, and now when it’s all over I’m so frustrated about the final result and I feel like I didn’t get the best service

It’s a bit of a long story with a lot of details, but I’ll try to put it here as short as possible.

I have both DSL and Mobile contract for many years. Until November 2019 I always paid 24.99 EUR for my DSL (this was always 29.99 EUR + 5 EUR discount) and 12.49 EUR for my mobile with 4GB (so total 37.50 EUR).

On November 2019 (5 months ago) my DSL contract ended and I extended it with you for the same price, like I do everytime. Until that point my DSL and mobile contracts were not merged, and the agent who helped me apparently merged my contracts without telling me, so she can keep the discount I had for my DSL. So I extended my DSL contract for 24.99 EUR per month, like I paid before.

I was charged for the merging of the contracts, but later got a refund for it after I talked to another agent and explained that I was never told about the merging.

Everything looked ok, although my bills had a lot of mess during these months.

In the beginning of March 2020 I decided to extend my DSL contract as well (it was supposed to end in June 2020). I was paying the whole time 12.49 EUR for 4GB, but since I don't use so much data, your agent offered me 3GB for 9.99 EUR, and I decided to go for it.

Now, looking at my last bill, this is what I see:
1. Mobile (with 3 GB) - 9.99 EUR which is actually 19.99 EUR and then 2 discounts of 5 EUR (Kombivorteil) and another 5 EUR (Sonderrabatt).
2. DSL - 29.99 EUR, with no discount.

So now in total I pay 40 EUR (29.99 + 9.99), for less data in my mobile than before! I want to remind you again of what I wrote in the beginning - until November 2019 I always paid 37.50 EUR which were 24.99 EUR for the DSL and 12.49 EUR for my mobile (with 4 GB). Now, after all the extensions, I pay more (40 EUR) and getting less on my mobile (3GB instead of 4GB).

It looks like the person who extended the Mobile contract for me (over the phone) "took" the discount from my DSL and put it on my new Mobile contract, so it will go down to 9.99 EUR, when in fact in total I now pay more than what I used to, and getting less.

I am really frustrated with this whole situation and will be very happy if someone can contact me here or over the phone to solve this situation.

I want to say that I have 2 more DSL contracts with you, besides the one I'm talking about here and I'm a good customer for many years.

Thank you.

Hi @Sagi_Guy,


thanks for your message concerning the extensions of your contracts.


I have just checked everything.


The extension of your mobile phone contract with 5 € combination-benefit and additional 5 € discount is absolutely correct.


Concerning your mobile data package you wrote the following:

Hi, I would like to get an attractive offer to extend my contract. I'm not using 4 GB every month, so I think going down to 3GB is ok. I saw you have a package for new customers of 3GB for 9.99 eur... Let me know what you can offer me.

For this reason, I offered you the tariff “o2 Free S” with 3 GB data-volume for 9,99 €. You got this offer by e-mail which you confirmed.


If you like to have more data-volume for your mobile phone-contract, please check the upgrade-possibilities under "Mein o2" .


Concerning your DSL-extension I found out that since November 2019 when you extended your DSL-contract a discount of 5 € is missing. Out of good I will now give you a discount of 5 € for 24 months. You will see this discount on your next invoice. 


I hope you agree to this solution.


I only can give you the advise to check your invoices on a regular basis and to contact us immediately if you find out that something is wrong.


Loving greetings,




Hi @o2_Tobias 

The 5 EUR discount on my DSL was exactly what was missing.

Thank you for adding the discount back.


I am checking my invoiced regularly, but because of all the mess with the contract extensions and the mergings of the contracts, it was hard to keep up. Thank you for the help, again!

Hi @Sagi_Guy,


oh great, I am happy that I could help you.


If you have any further questions, just contact me in our English community.


Loving greetings,


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