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Constant interrumptions and device being kicked out (homespot)


I am constantly being thrown out of the network. My devices lose internet connection but stay connected to the wifi.

No matter if it’s a TV, a phone, a laptop or a tablet.

It is specially annoying if I’m watching netflix or I am on a work videocall. I cannot worf from home due to this.

What can I do?

Hello @Daniel381O6 ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

Have you already taken a look at the LiveCheck for your region? Maybe one of the stations that is normally responsible for your connection is currently experiencing some issues. You can also directly report ongoing issues there.


Kind regards, Sven

Hi Sven. This is something that has happened for a long time. It’s not a single-time issue. It happens randomly and started happening several months ago, even more than 1 year.

Hi @Daniel381O6,

that sounds annoying, let’s see how we can fix that. 

Are there any regularities you could observe? Like does it happen on the same days, times or anything? 
Which homespot do you got and what kind of tariff do you use? 

Best regards,

Hi @o2_Paul @o2_Sven 

As far as I can tell, I haven’t seen any regularities. Sometimes it happens several times in the span of an hour, sometimes it happens once and not again.

One thing that I think happens is that when the device I’m using demands a lot of data at a single time (like a videocall with several participants or a tv show), it is more prone to cut my internet.

The tariff I have is o2 my Home M, with Homespot 5G (the one supplied my o2).




Hello @Daniel381O6 ,

as you also have a normal Mobile contract with us, does this one also lose it’s internet connection at the times that your HomeSpot does?


Kind regards, Sven

@o2_Sven . No, it does not. In fact, I have to switch to mobile data when my phone is kicked out. It does not happen with all devices at the same time either

@o2_Sven My guess is that the issue is in the device, not completely in the network. But in general it does seem that the O2 mobile network is not very reliable since the coverage is low and prone to losing connection in some places

Hello @Daniel381O6,

that’s why I asked after your mobile contract. It does sound more like a potential issue with the router. Are you renting your model from us or did you buy the unit? In case of renting it, a replacement could be send. When you are buying it, it’s a bit more complicated.


Kind regards, Sven

@o2_Sven it's the unit from O2, Homespot 5g. I'm paying a monthly fee of 13,50€ for it. My understanding is that the unit will stay with me in the end.


Hello @Daniel381O6 ,

so you are buying the HomeSpot in installments. If that’s the case then you can send in the router for a repair. You can find further information concerning that process here:


Kind regards, Sven

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