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I will move out to a new apartment soon and I wanted, naturally, to take my o2 internet with me.

I’ve been trying really hard to get an English service from you. I tried the whatsapp service, but when telling I need an English service it took them 4 days to write me back. eventually on March 1st, after putting random words into your automatic answer machine, I was able to get a hold of an English speaker representative.

We scheduled the move order together for 16/03, and I stressed to him very clearly that we (my partner and I) will be taking a day off especially that day, since we can’t work without internet connection. We also set our (what used to be flexible) moving out date for that day.
Everything worked well and I was so happy that I was able to do this in a clear and organised way.


But today, 04/03, imagine my surprise when I receive a message from o2 telling me “thank you for you move order for 17/03”. My face turned red. literally.

Calling your customer service again didn’t help, I got a really cold representative named XXXXXXXXXX telling me there is nothing he can do and that I should’ve waited for confirmation before making plans depending on it. A thing that obviously the previous representative didn’t bother mentioning to me, even that I was super clear about how important the internet is for us and even that we negotiated very longly about the exact arrival time because it was super important for us.


When asked to talk to a a manager, XXXXXXXXXX said there’s not such option, but I can send a written letter (people still do that in 2020?) to your offices in Nurnberg. Just like that, send a letter, non-trackable complaint, feels like someone is trying to make it really hard to file an official service complaint. So - I searched the internet and found this place, hopefully you’ll be able to resolve this for me.

Having said that, I feel like I’ve been treated unfairly by you. If you’d still like me to consider your service as good, I’d like to get my move at 16/03, as originally planned. Alternatively, I’d like to get a proper compensation from o2 for both my partner and my work day.
We together earn around 200eu net for a working day (around 4500eu net per month).


Kind Regards,


Edit o2_Lars: Please do not publish any names of our colleagues in our community, thank you.



It is unfortunate that it was not communicated to you that you can request a date but that this is not binding until it has been confirmed, but nobody here in the forum can help you (re)schedule your internet connection as this requires consultation with Telekom. If the hotline are unable to move it to the 16th and you are not prepared to accept the 17th then you have no other option but to submit a complaint (yes, of course people still write letters is 2021 and you should do this by recorded delivery so that you have proof of delivery).

I would have thought that the simplest solution (as the date is still two weeks away) would be to take the 17th off instead of the 16th.

Of course I will take the 17th option, but this is not a “solution” per my definition of solutions.

This is really unfortunate that this is the answer that I get, I was hoping for a different one.

I can accept the 17th and still submit a complaint, I see no contradiction in it.

Hello @NaorBerlin, welcome to our o2 community :-)

If you move to a new address in most cases your o2 DSL connection can move with you. We have an article that describes all necessary steps to move your o2 DSL connection, we recommend to make an apointment at least 4 weeks in advance.

We always order an activation for the date that has been stated as desired, in some cases it may happen that this activation date is not possible for our local provider we are working with. In cases like that the earliest possible date will bei confirmed, this may for example be the follwing day.

I am sorry to hear that the desired activation date was not possible but luckily the activation will take place on the next day :-)



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