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Reschedule Telekom appointment

Can someone help me reschedule the telekom appointment. The technician did come on the schedule date but he could not activate the connection and said that I need to schedule another appointment. I did receive a call from O2 but could not answer it at the time as I was in a meeting. I would be greatful if someone could help me schedule another apointment

I also tried calling the hotline number but unfortunately no one picks up

Hi @eserrao,


welcome to our community. Unfortunately we are unable to schedule new appointments here. This is part of our customer service. Here is the phone number to get in touch with them:

 089-78 79 79 400



I managed to get through and was able to reschedule the appointment

Hi @eserrao ,


I just want to ask if everything is fine now with your DSL. :blush:


Best regards,


Yes the Telekom technician came by this week and activated the connection. It works fine now. Thank you

Hi @eserrao,

I am happy that everything is working now and wish you a lot of fun with your o2 DSL connection.


Kind regards,


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