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Hello, I’m leaving my current apartment on the 31st March and moving in to a new place, and I need to request my home VDSL be moved aswell. 


How can I do that now that your shops are closed?

Hi @DroidDroid 

Welcome to our o2 Community.

I got some got news and some bad news. The good news is, the moving order you created via o2online, worked perfectly well.

Unfortunately, and that is the bad news, the new place you are moving to seems not to be connected via landline wire to activate your DSL contract.

Are you moving to a completly new building (brand new bulid in the last few weeks) ?`

Best Matze 

Hey @o2_Matze 
Yes, it’s a brand new building, first tenants are moving in first time April 1st, while the east part of the building is still under construction, but the workers told me they have completed their part in regards to telephone lines

Hi @DroidDroid I am afraid that is not a 100% correct. We tried to move to DSL to the new address, the Info we got form our Backoffice is that you address is at the moment technically not provided with a landline

Could you talk to your new landlord and ask if a provider connected the house to the core network (sorry its difficult to explain this tec phrases in english) 

You should ask him if someone talked to the “Bauherrenhotline” form Deutsche Telekom, that the company that connects the cable which goes from the street under the surface to your house.  

Best Matze 

I will ask, but that might not be possible for at least a week.


What mobile data options can you recommend me that don’t require a 24 months contract? 

I’m an engineering lead working from home at this moment and home internet is critical.


Thanks @o2_Matze 



Just got a confusing call from o2 telling me at this address only optic fiber is available and I can’t have VDSL over optic fiber??? 



Also, how can I cancel the contract for VDSL if it’s not possible at the new address? 

All Burgeramts in Berlin are closed and I can’t register the new address 

Hi @DroidDroid 

Could you check this list and tell us which “Bürgeramt” is the one you have to go to for the new address registration ?

Best Matze 

I could register at any Burgeramt in Berlin, but they are all closed in the entire city.


You can verify at 030 115

This is the closest one to me


Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

Eindämmung der Verbreitung des Corona-Virus
Die Bürgerämter in Neukölln sind vorerst bis auf Weiteres für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen. Bereits gebuchte Termine müssen leider entfallen. Die Vergabe von neuen Terminen für die nächsten Wochen ist ausgesetzt.


I could send the rent contract maybe?

@DroidDroid I get your point. It a mess at this moment to get a valid information which service is available via “Bürgeramt” and which is not. 

I will talk to my colleagues from the cancellation department and ask for a cancellation asap without sending the needed papers in this particular case.

We will get back to you here as soon as we get an answer.

Best Matze 

Thanks Matze 


Now just 1 more question, if I order the “O2 Free Unlimited Smart Partnerkarte” how long do you think it can take for it to be processed and for me to receive the SIM card per post? 



Also I have a combined tariff for my mobile number and my VDSL, I pay 60€ atm, how much would I pay then without VDSL? 

Thanks Matze  Now just 1 more question, if I order the “O2 Free Unlimited Smart Partnerkarte” how long do you think it can take for it to be processed and for me to receive the SIM card per post? 


@DroidDroid  When you order the contract it will take between 3 to 5 business days til you will receive the SIM Card.

I will check which option there is regarding your combined mobile &DSL tariff and get back to you tomorrow. 

Best Matze 

So I made an order yesterday evening for a new sim card, but now I got an sms saying my bank details have been changed? 

Can you please check on that, is it just because they entered my bank details again or what’s happening? 

My IBAN remains the same, ending in 8084

Hi @DroidDroid 

Your IBAN remains the same, ending in 8084, so everything is fine regarding your new mobile contract. 

We just checked your combined mobile &DSL tariff. In this special case you care using the DSL tariff for free, so your bill wont change 

regaring the monthly paymanet we will charge you,  doesnt matter if you cancel your DSL contract or not. 


But here in this special case a cancellation is nessessary, without it is not possible to update your mobile tariff.  

So, first of all you should sent a normal cancellation letter to

Telefonica Deutschland


90345 Nürnberg 

After your DSL is deactivated we can update your mobile tariff to save you some money. 

Best Matze

Thanks Matze, I have however decided to keep the VDSL and move it in a few weeks once my building is ready, until then ordered a partner sim card.. 


Gonna cost me 2 years of 25€ per month but what can I do when Deutsche Telekom and o2 are so slow at connecting new addresses, I need to work from home.

@DroidDroid Thanks for the Update. Just to be clear, i am not sure an o2 DSL Contract will work in the next week fews or month at your new address.

Your house (at the moment) is connected via FTTH (fibre to the home or Fibre all the way to the Home) in the near future is not possible to active an o2 DSL Account via FTTH.

When there is not the additional way via standard DSL Cupper Line it is not possible to use your o2 VDSL Contract at your new home. Maybe you could ask your Landlord

if your house will get an additional connection, but i assume that wont happen, because FTTH is a more sophisticated technology so it makes no sense to get an second 

connection which would be more like somekind of a downgrade. 

Best Matze 

ah now I understand better the situation, and o2 doesn’t offer anything over fiber? not even for more money? 


I’m baffled 

ah now I understand better the situation, and o2 doesn’t offer anything over fiber? 

@DroidDroid i assue we can  offer fiber some day, but no one knows when that will be.

Best Matze 





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