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I found your recommendation for my address as 250 Mbps. But I get hardly a maximum speed of 50Mbps for my contract O 2 my Home M XXXXXXXXXX

How can I get higher speed ( For my home M it should be 100 at least ) or upgrade to L? Even if I upgrade, can I get higher speed or do you have issue with the Telecom line?

Best regards,

Edit o2_Bianca 24.05.24 11:59Uhr: Moved from DSL, Kabel & Glasfaser to English o2 Community Landline&Broadband

Hello @Jayanta ,

if your contract is a o2 my Home, then this is a contract from the previous generation to our current o2 Home ones (no my in the contract name). The older o2 my Home M had a maximum bandwidth of 50 MBit/s so that would fit correctly to your situation. If you need more bandwidth then we can of course check for the possibility of changing your contract to a new one. Would you want to change to a o2 Home M with 100 MBit/s then?


Kind regards, Sven

Dear Sven, 

Thanks for your reply. 

My contract is from May 2020. 

I pay (Internet & Festnetz xxxxxxxx Grundgebühren 32,98 €). I also pay rent for router and I have two mobile phone connection from you. My customer number is xxxxx

If my contract is old and if I want to change it to o2 home M or  o2 Home L, I think there will be no additional cost. Instead I shall save money. Please comment on that. 

How to change the connection? Will there any o2/telecom representative visit the apartment to do so, or this can be done remotely. 

Please advice with all relevant information, 

Best regards,


edit o2_Gerrit 25.05.2024 personal data hidden

Hello @Jayanta,

would you like to receive an offer by e-mail from us for an extension of your contract with a change to the Home M 100 or Home L 250 tariff?

Best Regards,



Hello o2 Gerrit

Yes please.  Also if I do the extension, I want to know the total financial impact. The document should have the possibility to translate. 

Kind regards,




Can you please let me know the financial impact as I requested you? 

Hello @Jayanta,
i am pleased that you would like to change your contract 🤗

I was happy to take a look and sent you a contract renewal offer for our o2 Home M 100 tariff by e-mail 📧 This would give you up to 100 MBit/s when surfing, twice the speed of the current situation.

You can continue to use the current HomeBox 2 WLAN router.

The offer is valid for 8 days from now, so take a look.

You can then book it directly in the e-mail. Feel free to give me feedback on it when you have had time to look at it 😊

In accordance with the Transparency Ordinance, I would like to draw your attention to our “Product Information Sheet”. There you will find all product details listed once again (without discounts).

Best regards, Kathi

Hello @Jayanta🙂

I see that you haven't accepted the offer yet. Is there something stopping you?

Regards, Maren 🌼

Hi Maren,

Nothing is stopping me. I talked to your colleague in customer care. She told me like the following 

  1. To call again if I decide to activate 100 mbit connection
  2. O2 is not sure if the speed will increase or there will be an intervention of Telekom technician needed. ( extremely slow process as per my previous experience )
  3. I have received an offer of 37.48 Euro/ month for 24 months which will increase from 25th month. The price in “Product Information Sheet is different. 
  4. I am not sure about any other hidden cost of o2 ( like I found in the current month's invoice O2 VDSL Grundgebühranpassung 1,9327 19% 2,30 euro charged additionally - don't know the reason )

Can't take a decision. If I agree and the speed doesn't increase. Then it's an waste of money for every month. 

Bit confused!



Also, If I check now in my o2, the tariff is showing as follows at my address.

This is also not understood why are you asking for 39.99 or 37.48 euro? Why is this difference?


Hi @Jayanta🙂
The offers on the website are for existing customers with an existing O2 mobile contract who also want to take out a new fixed line contract. However, your enquiry is about extending an existing fixed line contract. Fixed line contracts can only be renewed via customer support, i.e. via the hotline, chat or here in the forum.
You currently have an o2 my Home M with 50 Mbit. You have been offered the o2 Home M 100 with 100 Mbit for €39.99 per month. You receive a discount of €5.50 off the basic price, so you pay €34.49 for 24 months. As you are using the HomeBox2, you will be charged an additional €2.99 per month for the rental.
I recommend that you rent another router or buy a better one yourself. Alternatively, I can offer you the AVM Fritz!Box 7530 AX for €2.99 per month, the o2 HomeBox3 for €3.99 per month or the AVM Fritz!Box 7590 AX for €6.99 per month. In my opinion, the 7530 AX would be suitable.
If you like, I can customise the offer for you. All tariff details without discounts are listed in the product data sheet.
You would get a fast landline with the extension. 
Do you have any questions?
Kind regards, Maren 🌼

Hi Maren, 

Thanks for your prompt reply. 

You have suggested to you a different router and you recommend to use AVM Fritz!Box 7530 AX. 

I can see that the rent is identical ( 2.99 €/month ) with O2 HomeBox2. If I order as per your recommendation, shall I return back HomeBox2 or you will start charging 2.99 € ( for HomeBox2 ) +2.99€ ( for AVM Fritz!Box 7530 AX )?

I am already an existing customer with o2 Mobile contract, then why in my case it will only be considered as extension of existing fixed line contract and will charge me almost double?

However I shall be very thankful to you if you can reply to my point 4 also - I found in the current month's invoice O2 VDSL Grundgebühranpassung 1,9327€ + 19% VAT = 2,30 euro Total charged additionally - don't know the reason. 

Best regards,



Today evening the internet speed for download is less than 5 mbit/s. Can't work or watch a television channel. 



Best regards,


Hi @Jayanta🙂

If your internet is slow, it's a good idea to reboot your router. I see you did this yesterday. If it didn't help, I would ask you to call the DSL technical department (089 787 979 400 or 0176-888 55 222) or contact the colleagues via chat so that they can measure your line again.

Are you connected to the internet with a LAN cable or WLAN? If you are using WLAN, you could make a significant improvement by replacing your router. You would then return the HomeBox2 and use the Fritz!Box 7430AX. The rental would still be €2.99, but you would have a new router!

Regarding the question about the price increase: If the line provider increases the costs, we unfortunately have to pass this on.

Please let me know if you would like me to make you a new offer with the Fritz!Box 7430AX.

I hope I have been able to answer your other questions.

Kind regards, Maren 🌼

Dear Maren, 

Thanks for your response. The speed improved last night to 38 mbit/s after several rebooting. 

Yes, I use WLAN. Kindly make the offer for Fritz!Box 7430AX and please give return instruction of O2 HomeBox 2 and make sure that no additional cost ( I mean 2.99 +2.99 Euro ) is charged. 

After using this new router, let me see the situation and then I shall get back to you for the extension from 50 mbit/s to 100 mbit/s


The exact English translation of 2 VDSL Grundgebühranpassung  is O2 VDSL basic fee adjustment. My contract is with o2 and not with the line provider. How can you charge extra without an acceptance ? This is my question. Will this 2,30 euro Total charged additionally be repeated each month?

Good day Maren, 

You are really a very kind and helping person. 



Hi @Jayanta🙂

Firstly, there is a misunderstanding: The router replacement is only free if you renew your contract. Otherwise you will be charged €49.99 provisioning and €9.99 shipping. Do you only want a router replacement now?

I have cancelled the old offer and sent you a new one with the Fritz!Box 7530 AX. You still have 8 days to accept the offer.

About the basic fee adjustment: You are now paying €2.30 more per month on your landline contract. If you accept the offer to extend your contract, you will pay €37.48 per month including the router rental.

Is everything clear now?

Kind regards, Maren 🌼

Hi Maren,

Ok. Everything clear. Let me check the offer and I shall confirm before due date. 

Many thanks again. 

Best regards,


Hallo @Jayanta

vielen Dank. Falls du noch Fragen hast, frag bitte.

Liebe Grüße, Maren 🌼


Hi Maren, 

I received the following email today. While trying to give written consent, I found that the link is not active. 

What to do now? I already accepted the contract which you sent on 11.06.2024. Kindly please let me know from when the speed will increase? Shall I be informed? When shall I receive  Fritz!Box 7530 AX? ( I will be out of country for 2 weeks in a business trip starting from 29.06.2024 )

Will there be a connection guide ? or it is as simple as o2 Home box 2? When and how to return the o2 Home Box 2? 

Best regards,

Jayanta Sanyal

Hallo Jayanta Sanyal,

mit dieser E-Mail nehmen wir Bezug auf unseren Kontakt zu Ihrem o2 Internet- und Festnetzvertrag mit der Rufnummer XXX. Damit Ihre Vertragsverlängerung wie besprochen aktiviert werden kann, müssen Sie diese noch einmal schriftlich bestätigen.

Folgen Sie dazu einfach den Schritten, die Sie unter diesem individuellen vertragsbezogenen Link finden:

Freundliche Grüße
Ihr o2 Team


Edit: o2_Maren 18.06.2024/20:34 Uhr/ Aus Datenschutz die Festnetznummer entfernt.


Hi @Jayanta🙂
The new tariff will be activated on 1 July 2024, when you will be able to connect the new router that will be sent to you about a week before. You will find the login details and other information in the welcome letter. 
You can then return the old router to us, here is the link to return it free of charge. 
If you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help you. 
Regards, Maren 🌼

Hi Maren, 

Thanks for your reply. I already received the welcome letter and contract through email. All in German language and very hard for me to understand totally ( My German language proficiency really limited😔 ). However, I already informed that from 29.06.24 till 07.07.24 I shall be in business trip in another continent. My wife may not be able to do the set up as I shall carry the laptop and there will be no computer at home. And there is a genuine language issue as your O2 my service suite is also in German and non translatable. EURO 2024 and ICC World T20 World cup is going on and I wouldn't like that the home remains without internet and television. Therefore please change the date of activation after my return on 08.07.2024 ( Monday ) . Kindly confirm this change through reply as well as through email. 

Wish you a great day!

Best regards,

Jayanta Sanyal


Hi Maren,

And also please do not disconnect the present internet connection before 08.07.2024. Kindly confirm. 

Best regards,


Hallo @Jayanta🙂

kein Problem, ich habe die Verschiebung des Termins auf den 08.07.2024 angefragt. Du bekommst den neuen Termin noch schriftlich bestätigt, und nur dieser schriftlich bestätigte Termin ist verbindlich.

Auch wenn alles auf Deutsch ist, mach dir keine Sorgen, du kannst uns jederzeit fragen.

Hier habe ich ein Video "Fritz!Box 7530 AX einrichten – So funktioniert's" für dich, das zeigt, wie man den Router anschließt, und hier ist die schriftliche Anleitung Fritz!box 7530AX.

Liebe Grüße, Maren 🌼

Thanks Maren for your yesterday's reply. Appreciate it.

I shall wait for the email confirmation that the new connection will be established on 08.07.2024 and present connection will not be disconnected or disturbed before 08.07.2024. 

Best regards,


A Fritzbox can also be set up easily without a laptop. A smartphone or other device with Wifi and web browser is completely sufficient. 
You can find instructions in English here:


Many thanks @Joe Doe . I shall follow your tutorial at the time of installation. 


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