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For context: I move out of my old apartment on the 31.03.2023 and did a new contract with O2 for my new apartment, letting them know to cancel the old contract, but I’ve been charged since then, the amount for the old contract, and the amount for the new contract. I’ve been calling multiple times for this issue, but they just say it’s done, and the next month, I get charged again. 

I am tired of this situation and want it to be resolved, plus get the money they have been charging unfairly from me since then. 

I am not even sure of which number is the contract I need to cancel, since both show online as my new address, but I can provide the address to confirm it. 

Hello @rawlcp ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

If I understand you correctly, then you moved and made a new contract for this new address. You also wanted to cancel your old contract at your old address, but now both contracts are still running and shown to run at the same address? Do these two contracts run on different technologies? And if you canceled the old contract back in 2023, you surely got some manner of confirmation for this, when was the normal duration of that contract to end?


Kind regards, Sven

Hi Sven, thank you for replying :) 

Yes, of course, we called and confirmed them that we needed to cancel the old contract, as we were moving and doing a new one. 

I think they run in two different technologies, one it’s “O2 my Home L” and other one shows as “O2 my Home XXL”. Maybe you can help us figure that out? 

And, since we were moving, I think that is a normal reason to cancel the contract, we provided our new address so they could “change it” to the new one. I can check my email to see if we received any confirmation for the cancellation, we didn’t receive anything by post (I think). 

Actually, I was checking all our invoices and it’s not that O2 is charging us for the old contract, but we made a change on our internet contract because the speed they told us was not working and internet was not stable, and since then, we are getting charged by the old service (defecive) and the new one. 

Could we please get help with this? 

Hello @rawlcp, I just checked the system and I can see both of your my Home tariffs there.

Which one are you currently using in your new apartment?

Is it the o2 My Home L tariff with DSL technology or the o2 my Home XXL tariff with cable technology?

When and how exactly did you try to cancel your unused tariff?

Do you still have the written cancellation and did you receive any confirmation from us?

Best regards



Hi Steffen, thank you for replying. 

When we moved, we order first the o2 my Home XXL tariff with cable technology but it never worked, it was not as they advertised it and was not stable. We called, and let them know via the customer service line (everything should be recorded on your end if you have access to check that). Before a week went by, we send that back, we have the confirmation of the return. 

In the multiple calls we had with customer service, they never explained we need to do a cancellation in writing, they just said with us calling was enough, we had about 5 calls with them and they always said the cancellation was confirmed and that the contract was cancelled. Again, all this calls should be recorded on your end and should be in record. Customer service in the phone always confirmed the cancellation was done in every call. 

Since we send back the Home XXL router, we requested to have the o2 My Home L tariff with DSL technology and that is the one we are currently using. 

Let me know if you need more information. 

Kind regards. 



Hiello @rawlcp,

As far as I can see, both DSL and Cable tariffs are still running.

Could you please send us a written confirmation of the cancellation, which you should have received from us, and also a brief explanation of your case, stating that the unused tariff should be cancelled.

You can also use our contact form for this.

It is important that the cancellation confirmation is also available.

Kind regards




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