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Good afternoon,

I am very sorry for writting in english but I am new to Germany, and not yet confortable enough to have technical discussions in German.

I have signed a contract with o2 for DSL (o2 my Home M - 50 MBit/s Download and 10 MBit/s Upload).

The connection was activated 3 months ago, but I still have no wi-fi connection. My router is a fritzbox 7530.

The reason why I am writting here, is because I have called o2 more than 20 times and have tried all possible tipps received (which are usually two, update the router and check the cables), but to no avail. In the latest calls I was promised that I would receive a call back for booking another technical appointment, but no one called.

What do I have to do to book another appointment?? I have been paying for a product which does not work!

I hope that I can hear back from you through here, since any past attempts on the phone were not possible. If I still cannot book the second appointment, I will certainly cancel the contract and get my money back. In court, if need be, since you are breaching your side of the contract.

Best regards

The connection was activated 3 months ago, but I still have no wi-fi connection. My router is a fritzbox 7530.


If the line is active, it is up to you to activate the WLAN and to connect your devices. WLAN is not part of the contract.

Therefore - please check the connection with "diagnose".
The power led is always on on the 7530? Did you have enter the O2 DSL username and password from the „Willkommen bei O2“ E-Mail over with the Einrichtungsassistenten from the Fritzbox?
Hello @jmbcsr,

I had a look into this. According to our data the connection was activated on the 16th of May. I assume there was a technician at your home?

IHow exactly is your router connected to the wall plug? Please do not use the connection between the DSL plug on the router and the TAE-plug in the wall. Since your connection is realised not via telepjone line you need to connect the Multimedia Plug in the wall (which should look like an ethernet plug) with LAN port 1 in the Fritzbox.

Please try this and gert back to us so we can look deeper into this if this still does not work.



Is it possibel to upload some pictures that show us how is very thing connected?

Fritzbox to O2 Line and PC to Fritzbox.
Dear all,

Many thanks for the quick reply. I tried all of the plugs you find in these pictures but to no avail.

Which one do you mean?

I have added the signed in data from the "wilkommen bei o2" since thr start.

As for router diagnostics, wlan light is on but the dsl is blinking.

Many thanks!


Moin @jmbcsr ,

normally you have to try the wall socket on the third picture. There has to be a special cable with the right connector in the box. Try the socket in the middle.


Use the socket with the light green border and the 3 plugs. Normally it is the middel one.

The Fritzbox comes normally with an Cable that has mounted this plug. Use the DSL names one. The single end should go to the DSL port of the Fritzbox


Manuale in EN

Quick Guide EN
@o2_Lars @Klaus_VoIP @nordsee1982 OK schaut euch mal das EN Quickref an (die Telefondose!!)

Jetzt ist mir klar warum es das nicht hin bekommt.
@zoom_h2 ,

du meinst er hat eine internationale Version der 7530 und deswegen kein Kabel mit TAE-F-Stecker?
@o2_Lars hatte doch oben geschrieben, dass der Zugang des TE nicht über die Telefonleitung geschaltet wurde. 🤔
@zoom_h2 ,

du meinst er hat eine internationale Version der 7530 und deswegen kein Kabel mit TAE-F-Stecker?


Nee aber ggf. hat er sich "schon" die englische Anleitung runtergeladen, und da sieht die Telefondose eben nicht aus wie eine TAE Dose... Und dann kann man verstehen warum er das Netzwerkkabel genommen hat. Und wer denkt schon das sich jemand bei den Farben der Stecker was gedacht hat...🤔
I assume there was a technician at your home?

Ounce again - was the DSL-line checked by a technician? Which connector was approved?

Is the building new? First owner?

Maybe the line is active and not correct "patched" inside the flat.
@o2_Lars hatte doch oben geschrieben, dass der Zugang des TE nicht über die Telefonleitung geschaltet wurde. 🤔


Da gibt es aber auch zwei von! Grau und schwarz... Welcher ist das denn?

Und hat der Techniker Pin 3&4 oder 4&5 beschaltet?

Er soll also eine der beiden Netzwerkbuchsen der Multimediaanschlussdose mit LAN 1 der FB verbinden?

Und wie ist das vorher umgesetzt worden? Da liegt doch dann kein DSL-Signal, sondern Ethernet an?

Verstehe ich irgendwie nicht.


Ok, ich merke schon ich bin gerade zu langsam mit dem Schreiben😄

Er soll also die graue Netzwerkbuchse der MMADo verwenden, nur diese hat wahrscheinlich das DSL-Signal nicht auf PIN 4&5, sondern anders anliegen.



In neuen Objekten wird viel mit "LAN"-Steckdosen als Universalverkabelung für DSL, Telefon, ISDN, Ethernet gearbeitet. Der eigentliche Anschluß liegt dann vielleicht in einem Technikschrank und es müßte DSL auf eine LAN-Dose gepatcht werden und dann Lan-Anschluß auf DSL-Eingangsbuchse der Fritz. Daher die Frage nach dem Techniker, denn wenn der nicht in der Wohnung war, dann war dem der Anschluß in der Wohnung egal.
@jmbcsr Have you used the black socked allready?

Try to remove the black Plug from the DSL Kabel. And use this plug end ( with the socked in this picture)?

Many thanks to all!

I mistakenly marked nordsee1982 comment as the solution, great advice but it did not fixed it. I had tried that before, many thanks nevertheless. Will try to unmark it.

p.s. any idea, how I can do it? cant seem to find the button for doing so...
@zoom_h2, haven't tried that yet. Will try it as soon as I get home, and report back to you. Many thanks!
Klaus_VoIP, a technician came and indicated that the one in the first picture was the correct connector. Not a new flat, trying to get in touch with the previous tenant but without much success (no reply..)

Many thanks!
Ok, then try to connect a network-cable with the wall plug and LAN1 of the router. Configure the Internet as FTTH (external modem)

below Verbindungseinstellungen


(not first option), select:

Über ein externes Modem

Wählen Sie diese Option, wenn Sie die FRITZ!Box an ein vorhandenes externes Modem anschließen möchten.

Maybe it´s a FTTH-connection with a separate modem and fibre connection in the cellar.

Try it.


Since your connection is realised not via telepjone line you need to connect the Multimedia Plug in the wall (which should look olike an ethernet plug with LAN port 1 in the Fritzbox.

Please try this and gert back to us so we can look deeper into this if this still does not work.


Many thanks to all!

I mistakenly marked nordsee1982 comment as the solution, great advice but it did not fixed it. I had tried that before, many thanks nevertheless. Will try to unmark it.

p.s. any idea, how I can do it? cant seem to find the button for doing so...


set thread to status unsolved again
Will do that and report back to you, many thanks! Klaus_VoIP
Dear Klaus_VoIP I have tried what you proposed as described in the user-guide as "connecting to internet access: fiber optic modem" (p.38 ff). It did not work -. Many thanks nevertheless!

Added some more diagnostics using the fritzbox io.


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