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Problem with internet activation (English)

Good evening,

I'm sorry but I cannot speak German.

Monday 27 of April the technician came and the same day I received this message from O2 '' Ihr Anschluss ist jetzt freigeschaltet. Sollte er nicht fehlerfrei funktionieren, fuehren Sie bitte die Ersteinrichtung erneut durch’’.

After that on my O2 box 6431 the info LED turned red. So I started to activate my internet with the ”Konfigurations CD” and my "zugangs-PIN" but I didn’t have enough time to finish then the info LED turn off and the box restart.

One time I was able to write my PIN but it’s look not working because nothing happens until my box restarts.

Since this day most of the time my DSL LED is flashing in green but some time the info LED turns red for 1 minute and after that my box restart.

I don’t know if it’s normal because on my account the “Aufstragsstatus” of my internet still in the step 4 “Bereitstellung Ihres Anschlusses / Technische Geräte” and thus I ask you for some help.

Thank you.

So the DSL LED is flashing and not shining continuously?

In that case there seams to be either a problem with the DSL connection or with router.

In both cases you should call the help desk. Unfortunately most of the staff do not offer support in English. But the staff here in the support forum can request a callback in English for you.

Yes, the DSL LED is always flashing.

You also might try to hard reset the 6431 by pushing the reset button on the back of the device. Normally the 6431 should not reboot, even if the DSL line is not working.

If you had another router that you could borrow, you can already rule out a problem with the 6431. The router should be capable of VDSL, in case your line is connected to a VDSL port. If that router also fails to synchronize, the DSL line seams to be broken.

I already tried to reset the 6431 but it's still not working.

Unfortunately I don't have another router to check if my line is connected to a VDSL port.


when you reset the router to factory settings, and then re-start, then the PIN query comes only when the DSL network is connected (DSL lamp lights).

If your Router from itself repeatedly performs a reset, then I'm going for a router defective.

The router can initiate exchange only the Hotline.

best regards from Jrosi



wenn Du den Router auf Werkseinstellung zurücksetzt, und danach neu startest, dann kommt die PIN abfrage nur, wenn das DSL Netz verbunden ist (DSL LAMPE Leuchtet).

Wenn Dein Router von sich aus selber mehrfach einen Reset durchführt, dann tippe ich auf einen Router defekt.

Den Router austausch kann nur die Hotline einleiten.

beste Grüße von Jrosi

I reset my 6431 but the DSL LED is still flashing. As I said, some times (each hour) the DSL LED is shinning continuously and the info LED turn red for 1 min (more and less). After that, each LED turn off and my 6431 seems to restart until the DSL LED is flashing.


If your router from itself repeatedly performs a reset, then I'm going for a defect on the router.

Please call you, or a friend who speaks German, the hotline and describe the frequent reset of the router.

The router can initiate exchange only the Hotline.

best regards from Jrosi



Wenn Dein Router von sich aus selber mehrfach einen Reset durchführt, dann tippe ich auf einen defekt am Router.

Bitte rufe Du, oder ein Freund der deutsch spricht, bei der Hotline an und schildere den öfteren reset von dem  Router.

Den Router austausch kann nur die Hotline einleiten.

beste Grüße von Jrosi

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