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Hello there,

I had moved away from Germany in June and had sent a cancellation letter via Post as directed but am still getting monthly charges.  I have also went onto my O2 and issued another mark of termination but when attempting to call the phone number posted to confirm my cancellation I am unable to talk to someone that will speak english with me.  Is there anyway I can confirm my cancellation over email?  As I am in Australia it is difficult to coordinate phone call times, especially when I was under the impression the contract had already been cancelled.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Hi wattie01,

we have never received a cancellation of you.

Do you have any confirmation to proof that wrong?

Kind regards,


Thank you for the response Jessica. I had sent a cancellation via Deutsche Post at the beginning of June, 2016 but have since left the country and have no way of retracing if the letter was received or not.  My second year German Visa was not accepted so I had included a copy of my passport with my cancellation letter clearly stating the date in which I had to be out of the country so 02 could have this as record. Now realizing that this letter was not received I have "marked" my termination via the "meine 02" contract option online but when attempting to call the provided number to confirm this cancellation I am not able to speak to anyone in english.  I am willing to settle the remaining owed amount on the account and will also send a virtual copy of my German Visa expiration to 02 for my records if you are able to provide me with an email address to do so or a phone number that provides english speaking support. 

Thank you in advance

Hi wattie01,

we do something else. There is a open dunning in your account.

Can you please send me all the documents in a private message to our official account @o2_Support‌?

I will have a look what I can do then! We need to conclude this.

So, I explain to you how you can send a message with an attached picture:

- click on your name in the top corner on the right side. In the new window you click on "Mein Stream und Aktivitäten" (your stream)

- in the new window click on "Mein Stream"

- on top there is a sign (rigth side) which says "Nachricht senden"- sending a message


- there you put o2_Support as the addressee, and next to the sending button (Absenden) you find the icon to attach a picture

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

Hello o2 community,

I have also similar problem. Besides, I know that o2 got my letter but they replyed too late and I still pay my bill however o2 asks for next three months payment. Also sending documents from my current country is really diffucult, as well. Here is my origibal problem: 

I also wanted to terminate my contract and sent a request letter by post appr. 3 months ago. I wanted to terminate my contract (I used my mobile phone contract more than 2 years) because I left Germany last September. I moved another country and started work there. 

After my request and move from Germany I continued to pay my bill in this three months. However, I couldn't get any answer until 15 days ago. At their reply o2 says that; 


"Wenn Sie dauerhaft ins Ausland umziehen, kommen wir Ihnen natürlich gerne entgegen und beenden Ihren Vertrag vorzeitig. Dazu benötigen wir noch Kopien der folgenden Dokumente:

- die Abmeldebestätigung für Ihren bisherigen Wohnort

- Ihr Einverständnis zur Inrechnungstellung der Grundgebühr von 3 Monaten (gesamt 74,97 EUR)

Füllen Sie ganz einfach das separat an Sie verschickte Dokument aus und senden Sie es unterschrieben zusammen mit den Nachweiskopien an unsere Adresse:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Sobald uns die Unterlagen vorliegen, werden wir Ihren Vertrag vorzeitig beenden. Falls wir in dieser Sache nichts mehr von Ihnen hören, wird der Vertrag fristgerecht zum 4. Juli 2017 gelöst."


I can not understand that why I have to pay for 3 months payment. Also if I try to send the documents which o2 is demanded, it will be really diffucult and take so long time from my current country. If I try to send the documents this document by post it will take appr. 2 months. 

How can I solve this problem? Is it possible to send the documents by e-mail? Do I have to pay thıs 3 month payment (74,97 EUR). But I already paid for 3 months after my request. Please help me dear o2 Community


P.S: I can send my new Job contract and the contract of my new house (actually I already sent my job contract by post with my request three months ago but I do not understand why should I send it again).

Hello @Ucar‌,

please stay in your thread with your concern. I already answered you here: 

I close this thread here now.

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️