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Hi all,

I will be leaving Germany next month and want to get extra information about how to cancell all my contracts (DSL & 2 mobile lines). I have readed some posts( ) saying that I need to fill and send some documents.

Could someone please clarify the procedure and point me to the documents I need to send?

Thanks in advance,



You have to fill out this document -> for the contracts. And (as far as I know) you need a confirmation that you definitely leave the country.

thanks @Zampano84 It is clear now for the mobile lines

any extra information about the DSL?

Theoretically I have a DSL contract that I can cancel at any moment (ohne vertragslaufzeit, O2 forced me to buy the hardware to have this unexisting service) but they require me to call support and speak German (They forgot to mention this when I signed the DSL contract. At that time English was accepted)

Can somebody please help?

For somebody else reading this and looking to cancel a DSL contract: 

Hey thanks for the information ☺️

I couldn't find a formula for DSL-Contracts. If you have a contact without a fix term of contract I recommend to send in a cancellation. When the Hardware is your property you are not bounded to send it to o2. And - as far as I know - you needn't to call the Hotline in German. I would send in a cancellation per Mail and I'm sure it will be accepted in English.



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