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Could you please advice on our dilemma regarding DSL. I informed O2 (our provider since 2015) in May 2019 that we were moving house in early July and wanted to take the DSL contract with us. All seemed fine and the initial appointment with Telekom technician was scheduled for 5thJuly through O2.

Now, the appointments with technicians have been either cancelled in advance for whatever reasons or they have been no-shows (latest one today, 20.8.). No reasons have been provided and O2 just asks us to reschedule. This was the 5thtime, I think. How long can it go on? We have taken time off work to be home waiting for the technician, have had to pay extra for cellular contracts to have access to the Internet in the meanwhile, and O2 is still charging us for the DSL contract.

We have followed all the advice (name on the buzzer, postbox, door etc.), and O2 customer service has occasionally been apologetic but does not seem to get things working.

How should we proceed? How can we claim reimbursement from O2 for the financial loss we have suffered due to the incompetence (of Telekom, I assume but our contract is with O2)? I am planning to contact the Federation of German Consumer Organisations – VZBV – and other avenues, including our lawyer, if this issue remains unresolved.
Dear Ms, Mr,

I informed O2 (our provider since 2015) in May 2019 that we were moving house in early July (moving within Ringbahn in central Berlin) and wanted to stay with O2 and move the DSL contract with us. All seemed fine and the initial appointment with Telekom technician was scheduled for 5thJuly by O2.

To date, the following appointments with a technician have been scheduled and either cancelled briefly before by O2 or the technician simply did not show up – no reasons given to us. Both myself and my husband have taken time off work to be home to meet the technician every time, leading to a loss of income.

  1. 05.07.2019;
  2. 08.07.2019;
  3. 15.07.2019;
  4. 25.07.2019;
  5. 09.08.2019;
  6. 20.08.2019
We have received yet another appointment for 05.09.2019 but understandably based on the past two months, are apprehensive of whether this will in fact materialise.

In the meanwhile, through countless telephone calls to O2 customer service, I have been subjected to explicitly false information by O2 (in July, a customer service representative told me it was not possible to get 50 MB in our building but we could get 16 MB but for the same price we had paid for 50 MB before) and inappropriate and sexist remarks (on 26.9.2019, a customer service representative told me that I should have more pressing matters to concern myself with than the internet connection – I had informed him I could not be home for appointment with technician on a specific date as I have a scheduled delivery date for my baby).

In addition, we have had to pay extra for cellular contracts to have access to the Internet in the meanwhile, and O2 is still charging us for the DSL contract

In July, a seemingly friendly customer service representative told us that we can indeed have 50 MB and made us a new offer for the contract (initial monthly fee 29,90 inclusive of the new FritzBox), partly as a reimbursement of the waiting and hardship encountered by the incompetent service of O2/Telekom. On 26.8.2019, I inquired about this and the person I spoke seemed to not find any information regarding the new contract, price, or Fritz!Box.

I request your swift reaction and proposal to remedy the situation as soon as possible. I have received legal advice to contact Verbraucherzentrale but hope for an amicable solution with You before doing this.

Kind regards, ???
Hi @DrNora,

I have checked this matter for you and I try to summarize what happend so far. We received your request to move the DSL to the new address. Unfortunately there were information missing about the former tennant but we got it later on. In the beginning of July we faced the problem of an occupied line because there was no cancellation or a movement request by the former tennant so we had to wait and the appointment for the technician was cancelled three times because of this problem. In between we tried to get the line available but there was no positive response. The lineowner provided the feedback of VDSL is blocked and only ADSL can be ordered at this time. So my colleagues offered a new tariff to get a VDSL contract running. Everything proposed in this call is noted and the process is ongoing. The router will be shipped after the activation is done. And as suggested it is free of charge. The appointment September 5th is fixed and there is no need to be at home personally. The technician just needs someone who opens the door to activate the TAE and gets access to the APL in the cellar. I apologize for the joke the colleague made on the phone. Impoliteness is nothing to be tolerated.

Of course you will get a refund for the basic charge for the missing connection at your new home. Unfortunately we are unable to reimburse your days off. Sorry for that.

Please get in touch with us again when the DSL is activated so we can arrange the credit for the next invoice.

Kind regards
Dear 02_Manga,

Thank you for your response. This is the first time we received an explanation in writing and appreciate that. We sincerely hope that the activation will be successful on September 5th. I will then get in touch regarding refund, as per your advice.

Kind regards,

Deine Antwort