Warum O2


  • 24 May 2010
  • 1 Antwort
  • 62 Aufrufe


I have a very bad service in O2, I changed my bank account I informed them that at the beginnig of this month. However, they used the old bank account. Also, i transfered the money to them but I do not know the reason the transfer took more that 4 days and they send me another time want me to pay more than the double of the amount.

I want to know exactly how can they do that. More than 150% of the original amount I need to pay. this is stealing >-(


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1 Antwort

Hello Salah
If you send the money to o2 you have send it under your custumernumber and the
invoice-no. That is imporant to book it right. Please call the Hotline (they speak english there) and tell them your situation.
For the next time you have a problem to pay the bill, go to an original o2 Shop and pay the bill in this shop.
Exuse my english is not so good, but I hope it is helpfull for you.

Regards Tina