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Warum O2

I cancelled my old mobile contract last year but for the last 2 month I am receiving monthly Rechnung from o2 in the amount of 4 Euro each time. The bill seems to say this is for additional services but I am not having any services. Can I stop receiving the Rechnung please?



Hi skeoghan,

I have now checked everything.

It's like this:

the last "real" invoice that you got could not be charged automatically of your bank account, but o2 tried to. For that failed trying you got a return debit note fee of 4 euro, which was the first 4€ invoice that you got. This one was also tried by o2 to be charged from your bank account, which failed as well, which was the other 4€ fee. And it would go on and on like this.

I can now change the details of your bank account from debit to credit transfer, which you do yourself then. Like this the company won't try to charge it again, and you'd get one last invoice with a term of payment, you'd have to transfer the money and that would fix it.

Should we do it like that?

Kind regards,


Hi Jessica, 

Please go ahead with this change, I just received another 4€ rechnung and thought this had been taken care of. 

(Excuse the name change, my previous account was deleted so I've had to create another.)

Best regards,


Hi seankeoghan,

please send us a private message to our account @o2_Support‌ with the old number or account number, and write me here when you've done that. After that I'll change the settings for you! ☺️

Kind regards,


Hi Jessica, 

How do I send a message? I can't find any way to do that on the site.

(Had to change account again as it wouldn't let me log into either of them this time.)

Best regards,


Hi Jessica, 

Sorry for causing so much trouble but can you still help me? I'm trying to send my old number to the o2_Support account as you requested but I can't send a message unless o2_Support is following me or is registered as a friend.

I get this message:

"You can only send messages to your Friends / Connections (people following you). You must remove users marked with an exclamation point before your message can be sent."

Best regards,


Hi seankeoghan,

our apologies, we are now following your account, so you should be able to send us a private message ☺️

Kind regards,


Hi Nicolas, 

I'm still getting the same message about needing to be followed/friended, I think o2_Support followed my old account. Can you check that my current account is being followed? It's this account, which I'm posting from (user: skeoghan2).



Hi Sean,

to simplify it, I am now personally following you, so you can send a private message to me personally.



Thanks, I've sent the message. ☺️

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