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Dear O2 KundenService

I ordered a dsl connection about 2 weeks ago 

It should've been started from 17th of january 

But there is some issues and my DSL is not working yet

getting service from hotline is a disaster, it taket more than 1 hour to talk to the operator and they can't communicate in english

I'm considering cancellation of my contract

But I want to know what would be the concequenses and would this cancellation be free of charge for me?

If not how is that afterall?

Kind regards,


If you are behind the objection period of 14 days, theire is now way of cancellation.

Depends from the sales procedure - shop oder online?

BTW - the time for such a order is around 3 weeks and longer. Maybe wrong expectations?

I applied online on December the 30th but they told me line is ready from January the 17th

So I guess I can cancel it with no condition

I think that is more than 14 days.

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I have a severe problem 


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