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Warum O2
Hello everyone,

I just apply for a new internet connection with O2, however, after the technician come and set up the line, my internet still can not work.

I use my own router to connect, but the light of WAN did not turn on, so that I can not do any setting with it.

I also have some questions about the connection, is the username and password on the welcome letter for the PPPoE settings?

How to fix my WAN problem?

I heard that I need to follow and PM@o2_Stefan?

Thx for the help!!!


you must open a trouble ticket by phone:


O2 DSL Telefon

0800 52 51 37 8 Kostenfrei

Rufe diese kostenfreie Service-Rufnummer bitte möglichst von deinem Mobiltelefon aus an, da zur Problembehebung u. U. der Router neu gestartet werden muss und dadurch Anrufe vom Festnetz unterbrochen werden.

Thank you for kindly reply, is it possible to make more details?

By the way, when I call  the phone number it always just have robot sound and say sorry to me, why is that happen?

I have no experience with that number. Maybe a known problem or a dialog to check for the right contract. No clue.

closed, due to multiple threads 😉