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I had extended my contract last year with a gift of a Huawei MediaPad T10 which arrived pretty much in time. I forgot about this for almost 1 year and only now I realize that I have been paying 10 EUR every month for this, although this was supposed to be a contract extension "gift". How do I claim this money now?

Thanks for your answers in Advance.

Dear O2Community,

While I wait that some good samaritan from the or from the support  Team will come across my post and help me, I thought I should try to explain my problem a bit more here.

I am almost 10 year a customer with O2 and have been more or less satisfied with the service I have received. With my last extension of contract, I opted for The MediaPad T1 10 when prompted for a "gift". However, a few days back I checked the regular bills I have been paying and noticed that O2 is charging me 10 EUR everymonth for the mediapad. I know I should have checked this earlier and sought a solution, but now that I have I tried to reach a customer care representative to get this sorted out but to no awail. The last 2 days the waiting time on the helpline no. was 45 minutes.

So, I would really appreciate if somebody from the community or from O2 support would come across this and guide me how to procedd further.


best regards,


PS: Sie können auch gern auf Deutsch antworten! Ich habe auf Englisch geschrieben weil mein Deutsch kentniss ein bischen begrenzt ist. Danke!
Hello pwn,

when you get a tool as a gift from o2, it's always this way:

You have a contract, and this media pad, and to get that media pad for free, you get 10€ discount on your tariff. It's a point of settlement, that o2 does it like this. ☺️

And as I see you have that 10€ discount on your tariff. So everything should be fine.

Kind regards,


Dear Jessica,

Thank you so much for the reply and I have to say I am a bit embarrased that I did not do my full homework before writing here. I did get the 10 EUR discount and so O2 and I are "even steven"!!

Sorry for taking you away from more real problems.

Thanks n best regards,


Hello pwn,

no sorries needed for that! I can understand that insecurity! ☺️

Everything's just fine!

If you have any other concern do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards and a lovely evening for you,

Jessica ☺️

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