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Warum O2
My line was 'upgraded' on Tuesday and since then I've had no telephone or Internet service.  I've reset my router and gone through the setup again; I get the error message 'Das Netz wurde nicht erkannt' on the start page.

I tried calling the helpline but was cut off after waiting for over 60 minutes.

I've noticed many reports of similar problems around Germany.  Is there a general O2 problem and if so, is there any idea when service might be resumed?

It seems I have some type of problem with my line.  I have now tried to call customer services twice and been cut off each time after just over 1 hour waiting.  I also went into the local O2 shop and was told that the staff there could do nothing to help me.

In frustration, I walked across the road and signed up with Telekom as I have a 1 month notice period on my contract.  Telekom asked O2 to cancel my contract; guess what I have to do to proceed - phone customer services!

If there are any O2 staff reading these posts, all I want to do is cancel my contract!  Please can someone help so that I don't have to wait and be cut off again!

Is this about landline/dsl or about mobile telecommunication?

It's landline/DSL.

In this case you should have ordered Telekom to cancel your o2-contract and transfer your number to Telekom.

Thanks for your help. 

That's exactly what I did.  However, the DSL-Auftragstatus says:

1.  Ihr Auftrag ist eingegangen

2.  Ihre Angaben werden überprüft3.  Auftragsbearbeitung

Lieber O2 Kunde, Ihre Kündigung ist bei uns eingegangen und wir bedauern Ihre Entscheidung sehr. Bitte melden Sie sich telefonisch unter der kostenfreien Rufnummer 0800 4 142 407 (montags bis freitags von 8:00 bis 20:00 Uhr, samstags von 10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr), damit Ihre Kündigung abschließend bearbeitet werden kann.4.  Bereitstellung Ihres Anschlusses / Technische Geräte5.  Ihr Anschlusstermin Can I just ignore this?
OK. I would ignore this. o2 confirms your cancellation and obviousliy just wants to contact you for preventing you from cancelling.

Please don't forget to send back the gadgets (router) to o2, otherwise they will invoice it.

Great, thanks very much for your help.

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