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Warum O2
I have the tariffe "Free S Flex", so I pay 24,99€ per month (instead of 29,99€ cause I am under 26 years old).

My first receipt, from 10.03.2017 to 09.04.2017, is 54,97€.

Can someone explain me what "Einmaliger Anschlusspreis" and "Entertainment-Pack" are?

Can I be refunded?

Thank you in advance

Hello micheleporcelluzzi,

the "Einmaliger Anschlusspreis" is the connection fee for the contract. So, that it gets activated. In o2 Shops, or partner shops that sell o2 products, it's normal that this fee is charged (brutto 29,99€, just once). It only doesn't apply when it is observed in the contract documents. For you there is nothing mentioned like that, so I can't refund that.

Only for online businesses (closing a contract online) that fee wouldn't be charged.

The "Entertainment-Pack" is something that shops often book for new customers for one month, which is free. That is what you find at the bottom of your screenshot "Sonderrabatt 1 Monat (1 month)" and the price. So, it is charged and you get the credit voucher at the same time.

So, everything is correct. ☺️

Kind regards,


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