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Warum O2
In month of April, I shifted from one apartment to another apartment within Erlangen.

I received a new router and also sent the old router 1 month back. The new router is having connectivity issues. The connection drops intermittently. Whatsapp calls and messages are delayed. Kindly request you to look into this issue.

Moin Moin,

if you will get help her you need to fillout the "Telefonnummer:" in Profil bearbeiten

Fill it with your the land line number (of the DSL Line) than Scroll down to Fertig an click on it.

[ klick this Link:!input.jspa ]

This is not for calling, it is only to find your contract.

Fast could be:


O2 DSL Telefon

0800 52 51 37 8 Kostenfrei

Rufe diese kostenfreie Service-Rufnummer bitte möglichst von deinem Mobiltelefon aus an, da zur Problembehebung u. U. der Router neu gestartet werden muss und dadurch Anrufe vom Festnetz unterbrochen werden.

My profile is now updated.

Also I have tried the resetting the router.

It did not help.

Please let me know on the way forward.

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