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I received a message which asked me to call back. I called and waited for 30 minutes. The service cannot speak English and just terminated the call without any other suggestion. So polite and considerable of him. In the message there is a reference number 6231017. Please just reply me here what I should do. I hope I don't have to wait another 30 minutes for someone who will hang up my phone.

Hello lesautres,

are you a DSL customer or do you have a mobile contract?

Kind regards,


Yes I have a DSL contract. That's why I have this Störung Nummer. According to the contract I should have had Internet since 08.07., but I don't have any connection until yesterday. I kept reporting the problem but it still doesn't work. (I received a message which asked me to call back, but after waiting for long time, the service just hung on the phone because my German is not good.)

The technician already came three times, which cosumed 3 days from my personal annual leaves. Moreover, the second and the third technician said there is no problem from the port at my apartment! I have even already paid for the period that I don't have the Internet!

Because my calls were always hung on, I contacted you with online-chat (my chat thread had also been ended several times) frequently and finally got some progress. It seems that you sent the wrong router. This was your fault but I was punished (waiting for unexpected long time, paying money for nothing, wasting annual leaves for waiting the technicians). I didn't know it's so difficult and torturing to install the Internet from such a big company.

Anyway I got the new router and it has worked from yesterday. Yet I am still really disappointed in O2 due to these painful two months.

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