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Warum O2
Dear Sirs , I keep getting documents in the post which seem to say that I have not paid for my phone. I went to an O2 shop and the reps advised me on the package ie tarife + iphone SE for 31pm for 2 years. my number is 1074642241 can you please contact me on the email mobile you have on file to advise what this is about as I cannot understand the letters. I do not want to go back to the shop because the reps were extremely unhelpful , even agressive when I tried to discuss with them. thanks , Pete
Dear @petemckavanagh,

apparently the latest rate for your phone has not been paid yet, hence the latest text message from o2 on 20th September. The text message also contains the IBAN number to transfer the money to, as well as your customer number (beginning with 60-) which you should reference when making the transfer.

Best regards,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I just don’t understand - I have been debited twice by O2 for approx 30 plus calls and I was told by the reps in the shop that this was the total cost for tarif and phone. Do I have to

pay for the phone in addition to the tarife ??
Also is this the message you refer to ? I thought this was spam as the account number is different from that on my correspondence from you:

Lieber Kunde, wir haben die monatliche Rate für Ihr IPHONE SE 32GB, SPACEGRAU noch nicht erhalten. Bitte zahlen Sie 13.50 EUR am besten heute bar im o2 Shop Göpenstr. 6, 06526 Sangerhausen. Geben Sie dem Shopmitarbeiter dafür bitte Ihre Kundennummer 6047960643. Wenn Sie lieber überweisen möchten, bitte an folgende Bankverbindung: Telefonica Germany IBAN: DE16 7002 0270 0005 7131 53 bei der Hypovereinsbank München und geben Sie Ihre Kundennummer als Verwendungszweck an. Viele Grüße Ihr o2 Team.
dear petemckavanagh,

you have two Accountnumbers, one for your mobile contract and one for your iPhone.

In your bill for the mobile contract the iPhone is not included.

The price for the iPhone is 12,50 Euro a month and for the mobile contract you pay 19,45 Euro a month.

In August you payed for the mobile contract (one day) and the unique connection charges.

In September you paid for mobile contract and 45 Euro for connections or SMS to Great Britain, Ireland and Spain.

Calls and SMS from Germany to the foreign countries are not includet to your mobile contract and costs extra fees.

The payment for the iPhone is still open and not automatically debited by your bank account.

Therefore it is necessary that you pay your iPhone rate immidiately or it will be submited to a collection agency.

kind regards,


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