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Dear O2, 

1. Problem with Mobile plan

     There is a message inform me that I activated the international call service (1.99 Euros per month), but I actually don't need it. I would like you to cancel it for me.

2. Problem with the contract

According to my first month Rechnung which is cost me 58.04 Euro. I think there are some mistakes about it and I would like you to clarify and change it to be right as soon as possible.

I applied for the deal that I have to pay 37.49 Euros per month in the first year and 47.49 Euros per month for the second year eattached document no.2].

According to that deal I should get the 3 discounts by the following:

1)  Aktions-Rabatt bei Abschluss Handy mit Tarif (24 Monate x 5 €) 24 Monate   -5,00  €

            2) Junge Leute Vorteil (24 Monate x 5 €) 24 Monate   -5,00  € 

            3) Vorteil für Dich: zusätzlich 12 Monate x 10 € Rabatt 12 Monate  -10,00  € (This discount still not appears too!)

But now there is only the discount for > 5 Euros Aktions-Rabatt bei Abschluss Handy] and o 5 Euros Junge Leute Vorteil] in my online account. So, it makes me to pay more 10 Euros cbecause the discount no. 3) did not activate/ it’s missing] for the first month. It costs more than I chose for my plan at the first place.

I do not understand why it happens like this. It makes me so confused about my contract. It causes me a problem and distrust to the company because of this uncertainty. My contract is not like the deal that I applied, and there is no one informs me about any changes before. I am not comfortable with this situation at all. Please correct this problem and inform me about the progress as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.

*** I attached example picture of the email that I order with that deal. And I also send the details with printed evidences to the company by post. What should I do next to fix this problem?


(Kundennummer: 6035560617 /Mobile number: 0176205*****)

Hi @jack99x ,

the international call service has a term of two years, that's why the option wasn't cancelled so far. I'll deactivate this option for you until tomorrow.

Unfortunately there was a system error and the discounts (12 x 10.00 euro + 24 x 5.00 euro young people discount) wasn't into account. I fixed that for you by activating both of the discounts. 12 x 10.00 euro starting next month and 5.00 euro is valid immediately. For the missing 5.00 euro on the bill I arranged a one-off credit of 5.00 euro.

Best regards ☺️


o2 Downloads: Formulare + Preislisten + AGB herunterladen 

Thank you for your assiatance Michi

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