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I have a major issue with O2, and I seriously feel like I am being robed by you.

I have actually received a phonecall from a Mr XXXXX  from the customer service (I guess), who said that my issue will need to be investigated, and that It will take around 14 business days.

We are almost in March now, and i keep getting billed extra.

I am really on the edge of turning to the authorities, and or pressing charges.

My case is as follows:

In January 2016, a saleswoman from 02 called me, offering me to open a second account for a family member/friend.

I said 'yes'.

She then began taking me through a voice contract. When she asked for my bank details, I got very nervous, as the contract was in German, and I couldnt understand a thing.

I hung up. 

A very strange and dumb scenario - But because of this awkward moment, I remember it pretty well:

I did NOT authorize you to charge my card for the additional account.

A couple of months later, I suddenly see an additional 20Eu being charged on my account, on a monthly basis. I kept trying trying to speak to you, however, I was not provided any service, because I hardly speak German.

In the end I had to threaten you - In English via Email, and thats when Mr xxxxxxx called me.

I this the way that you people work? by threats? Im sorry, but that is just pathetic service...

explained to me that I have 2 accounts - 

Account number 60xxxxxx36 - which is mine, and I am aware of.

Then there is another account - number 60xxxxxx80, which was apparantly signed on January.

You know what? If I would have made some kind mistake - I would be able to live with it, because my German is very bad.

But i didnt even receive an additional SIM!

I also didnt receive any form of written confirmation. Not by post, or Email!

So from May 2016, you have been charging my card an additional 20EU, even though i didnt confirm my card details + I didnt receive an additional SIM.

I also have no written confirmations of my second contract.

Im sorry, but it feels like you are robbing me.

This morning someone suddenly called me from 02 - trying to sell something, and has no idea about this issue.

Before I take further steps....Im asking you to please contact me as soon as possible...

If I dont hear from you by next week, i am taking this to social media, and I will ofcourse be forced to seek legal assistance.

I look forward to your response.


I removed the names - this is a public[/color] forum



8i]Edit o2_Jessica: Deleted account numbers. Data privacy.

Normally o2 sends e-mails when contracts have been made online or by hotline. Sometimes they are put into spam-folders by the mail-providers.

Please wait here for an o2_moderator to look into your data and check what exactly happened.

Thank you for your quick response.

Please note that even if Emails are sent to the Spam folder, I am still supposed to receive an online rechnung each month, no?

Every time that you bill my account number 60xxxxxx36, I get a proper rechnung via Email.

For account number 60xxxxxx80, I do not have one single email. And I got billed again for that account last week.

Ive checked all my folders and there isnt one email that is connected to that account at any time period.

And another important thing - Ive never received another SIM.

I only have a SIM for account number 60xxxxxx36.

I look forward to your kind response.


Edit o2_Jessica: Deleted account numbers. Data privacy.

On the 14 December 2016 I was informed that this case is being  escalated and it will take approximately 14 business days for you to get back to me.

I heard nothing from you until I left this message on your forums.

You have responded to my message within less then 24 hours - But to my actual issue, no one is able attend.

I feel like Im being way too nice, whilst you  are leaving me - a paying customer - hanging in mid air.

You know what? Im not following your instructions anymore, because you people are just going to bill my account again twice this month.

Within 48hours, if I do not get a proper response regarding my issue, I am going public with this case, and in addition I will be obliged to get further assistance.

Again - I feel like Im being way too nice and patient with you.


You already went public with this when you posted to this forum in February. Fuchs is not an o2 employee (neither am I) and this is primarily  a customers help customers forum. Maybe ask someone who speaks German to phone o2 for an update?


Is this not an O2 forum?

You, and Mr Fuchs have a little badge that sais 'Expert'. What are your expertise exactly?  

You say that this is a customers help customers forum.

Do I not sound like a customer who is seeking help?

You people are beyond lucid.

I will call

There is absolutely no need to insult us other customers. We didn't cause your problems and don't have anything to do with them.

bs0 and I are two of many customers, who voluntarily help other customers. Some of us do so successfully in most cases for quite a long time, so that we got the status as "experts". The only employees of o2 in this forum are the moderators. They can be recognized by the "o2_" at the beginning of their users' names.

etans schrieb:

You people are beyond lucid

Bye bye. Have a nice life.

Hi etans,

that contract you're talking about got deactivated by goodwill at the 15th of December.

The last payment/ invoice was in January, for the last days until the deactivation. Everything else is done, no debits since then.

Kind regards,


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