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Hello,i went to the o2 store for the installation of wifi because i have changed home and i waited one week for the technick.  Today the technick came but there is no one in the house...i see he call me today at 9:26 morning so i'm trying to call him but he don't answer the phone..i also sent him a message but nothing. What i have to do? Because i want the wifi and i don't want to wait other weeks.


Hello, have received the call but i can't understand deutsch can you say me when it's the  termin or i must go in o2 center and say i want an another termin for tecnick telecom? This the message:Lieber o2 Kunde, wie uns die Telekom soeben mitgeteilt hat konnte die heutige Schaltung Ihres o2 DSL-Anschlusses durch den Techniker nicht wie vereinbart erfolgen. Wir werden Sie im Laufe des Tages anrufen um schnellstmöglich einen neuen Freischalttermin mit Ihnen zu vereinbaren. Ihr o2 Team

Hello, for the termin there is no problem my friend deutsch he did everything i think.

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