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Hello everyone, 

I´m asking this question in English because it´s easier for me to explain my problem this way (feel free to answer in German though).

I signed a contract with O2 on 19 octobre to receive internet connection in my student dorm. At the O2 shop, I was informed it could take 3 to 5 weeks until the installation was complete. This wasn´t a problem for me as long as I would have internet at least at the end of novembre (having internet is vital for my studies), which they said wouldn´t be an issue.

5 weeks passed and I had not heard a single thing from O2: the router didn´t arrive, no news about when the technician would pass by, I couldn´t even check the status on the website. I went back to the store to ask for more information. They looked it up and apparently there had been a problem concerning my case (an issue with Telekom). They promised to escalate my case, but warned that even then it would still take 3 weeks or more until I would have internet. 

As that would take too long, I asked if it would be possible to terminate my contract. The shop confirmed that I was allowed to do so and that I should send a cancellation request to O2. I e-mailed them the request, to which they responded with an e-mail saying that the technician would pass by on 6 december. I didn´t want an appointment anymore, so I clicked the button to decline the proposed date.

I then decided to send my cancellation request as a letter to Hamburg, this time specifying that I didn´t want a new appointment but just wanted to end the contract. A few days have passed and this time, I received a text saying that the router has been sent to me. It seems that O2 is still trying to get me to go through with the contract, even though I made it perfectly clear that it´s too late for me and I simply want to cancel my contract. This situation even forced me to sign a contract with a different provider (who was able to provide internet immediately) because I simply couldn´t wait any longer for o2 to fix this. So at this time, I don´t need their internet services anymore.

I have no clue what else I can do to  end this contract. Is there anyone else I can contact about it to get this settled?

Difficult situation. At the shop you have no right for "Widerruf". The delay for provider contracts is normal.

Too difficult to tell what ist the legal requirement ("in Verzug setzen", Fristsetzung) to cancel the contract. Please wait for a moderator statement.

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