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Warum O2

sorry for writing in English.

My O2 Home box 6431 is not getting connected from yesterday evening (08/05/17) as the Einrichtungassistent page is showing as Status der Erkennung des Zugangsnetzes is running for infinity. (überprüfung läuft).

There is red light on info  and green light on internet,DSL & WLAN)

Could you please help me to resolve this issues.


have you done a factory-reset (push the reset-buttton > 10 seconds) and after booting another try for install ? Have you use a phone for install or only by browser ?

Is this all not helpfull the only help you can get by the o2 trechnical hotline 0800-5251378 (for free, but german understanding an speaking necessary or a german speaking friend may helb you ) or use the livechat.


Yes, I had done factory reset couple of time but it dint work out.

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