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Dear O2 Community, 

I have been a subject of a fraud by O2 and I wanted to let you know and ask for advice. 

In October 2016 I went to the O2 office in Dusseldorf to cancel my upgrade Surf package. This package was successfully cancelled. The sales representative, however, asked me whether I wanted some FREE sim cards for my tablet if I had any. I said yes, of course, and he asked me to sign the contract. He NEVER told me about any additional charges, nor are they mentioned in the contract. Next thing I knew there's an invoice for these sim cards that has nothing to do with what I signed. I am being charged for these sim cards (10 EUR each + some other surcharges). My total invoice has grown to 270 EUR for 2 months (I'm not paying my invoice right now because I don't understand the expenses.) I have rushed to the same office where I was tricked into signing the contract but the sales representative said he "didn't know that person and that the manager is on vacation". He advised us to go to the police. I have talked to my lawyer and together we are going to go to Verbraucherzentrale and take some legal action against O2. All my attempts to contact the company failed. This is outrageous!

The company's employee used the fact that I don't speak German properly and just made me sign 2 separate contracts for more than EUR 20 per month! 



If you have already contacted a lawyer in this matter, let the lawyer sort it out for you. Nobody from o2 will be able to say anything about your case here.

That is bad.

Advice for the future, take a German speaking friend with you, if you sign any contracts in the future.

Right, but I scanned the contract and I didn't see the charges I am seeing right now in my invoice. I can understand some German and what I have right now is definitely not something I signed up for. They added up to the invoice some Games, music, something I don't even use ☹️ 

That looks like Abo for that, maybe the clerk has aktivstes that also. 

A Moderator in this forum will deactivate these Abos 

Do you think there's any way they can remove these charges from my current Rechnung? I didn't pay it because I don't want to pay for something I don't use. The clerk at the store said there's nothing he could do and advised me to go Police only. He didn't even suggest to contact O2 support! 

Also, does anyone know the support hotline number? I can't find it anywhere!

Hello tatianabunaeva,

I'm sorry to say, but in this case (contracts from the o2 shop) the shop is your direct contact person.

So, first thing would be to go there again and talk to them.

The shops are discrete establishments, and in such a concern they are, as I said, your contact.

If the costs are nowhere mentioned in the contract that you signed that is definitely a reason to cancel the contracts.

Keep in mind that when you just stop paying the money you will get problems. You will get overdue fines and in the end you will be handed over to the in German called Inkasso (dept collection) and that is the point where no one else can do anything at your contract.

Try to call the hotline and speak to the "invoice department" Inhouse Dunning. This is the number for the hotline: 0176 88855222

Kind regards,


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