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Warum O2

I'm leaving Germany in January to start a new job in Switzerland, therefore I need to cancel my contract. At the moment I still don't have an address in Switzerland, can I leave it blank in the cancellation form? I can provide confirmation from my new Employer, is this enough to get the cancellation?

Thank you
Hi @mmuj,

thanks for your request.

Yes, sure. Your confirmation of your employer or landlord is an alternative to your notification of your new, foreign domicile.

Therefore, please send the confirmation of your new employer.

We will then check the documents for you and give you a response.

Loving greetings,


Hi @mmuj, until now, we did not yet receive any cancellation letter because of moving abroad from you. Please fill out the following document:

Do not forget the requested documents as discussed before. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact us here in our English community.

Loving greetings, Tobias


Edit: o2_Dennis 09.02.23 / link updated


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