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Warum O2

Routing of SMS messages from Iceland have stopped working again..

Please see my previous message from a year ago, when you fixed it last time:

Last message I got was on March 25th and I've been waiting and hoping it will get fixed on its own, but it hasn't.

Can you please get in touch with your tech guys and get this fixed please? :)

All the best,

Sigurdur G.
Hallo @SiggiGG ,

kannst du mir bitte sagen wann du zuletzt versucht hast eine SMS vom Onlinebanking zu erhalten (Datum & Uhrzeit nicht älter als 4 Tage)?

Viele Grüße,

Hallo @o2_Andrea ,

I tried multiple times over the last few weeks including last Friday.

I also tried just now with the same result, no SMS get through. April 15th - 15:00 Uhr

Thank you,

Sigurdur G.
Dear @SiggiGG ,

du you have the bank name and maybe the SMS source identifier for me?

kind regards,

Hi @o2_Andrea

The SMS message will be sent from "Arion Bank", and last time I successfully got a message it came from phone number: +354 8567100

Carrier is Iceland Telecom.

I also got family members in Iceland to try to send me message, same result.. they don't even get an error the message just gets lost.
Dear @SiggiGG ,

thank you for that information. I created a request for you to fix the problem.

Kind regards,

Hi again!

Can you check for me if there's been any progress on this? I'm still not receiving SMS from Iceland and I really need to access my internet banking application there.
Hallo @SiggiGG ,

the request I made for you was processed today at 1:42 pm and the ticket was deleted afterwards. Can you please test, if it works now or if the problem persists?

kind regards,

Hello @SiggiGG ,

so far, I have not received any feedback from you did you test it, if it works now?

Kind regards,

Hi Andrea,

Apologies, I was traveling and only came back to Germany today.

I just tried and still not getting SMS messages from Iceland 😞 Can you please bump the request to get this fixed?

Last time this was fixed it stayed fine for almost a year, so I'm puzzled why this broke again.
Dear SiggiGG,

I started a new request today, and I hope it will be completed successfully this time.

Kind regards,


Any progress on this? It's now been 7 weeks without service and I really need to access my Icelandic bank.

If you cannot resolve this then I must simply move my service somewhere else.
Dear @SiggiGG ,

no news atm. 😕

Kind regards,


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