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Warum O2
Hi, I am in a 24 months contract with a mobile phone. When I reviewed my contract before confirming, I saw that I will receive a discount of 8.50 euro on Mobile set and 5.00 euro on monthly base rate as a young people. However, I received a document by post that I need to pay 241.00 euro which is the price of the mobile set. Could you please explain why I need to pay and how can I receive the two discount mentioned in your contract. 



Hello @Mehedi.sagar‌,

let me explain that to you:

mobile tariff contracts and the hardware are two separated contracts at the company. So, you always pay the contract on the one hand and the hardware on the other (2 invoices per month).

The invoice for the hardware is always the same, so you get the installment plan at the beginning, mentioning the amount which you'll have to pay every month. For this hardware you got the whole invoice (which is also your proof that you need to hand in in cases of warranty circumstances. There is mentioned the whole price of the phone, which looks like this:

This is just the information about the phone and the list price.

Under those information you find the time payment plan, which looks like this:

Here you find the following information:

For the full amount of 241,00 EUR you have to pay a partial payment of 37,00 EUR, which is due at the 05.05.2018. o2 will debit the amount of your bank account then. Also at the 5th of May they debit the first monthly rate of 8,50 EUR, which is the rate that you're paying for 24 months then. Every following monthly rate will be due at the 5th of May then. ☺️

I hope I could explain to you everything now!

Another information that you find there as well is this:

Which means that you can check online in Mein o2 or on the mobile Mein o2 App all the information about the installment plan, and also see how many payments/ months are still left!

For your contract everything is okay, you have the discounts of 5 EUR for young people as well as 8,50 EUR because of the hardware. ☺️

If you have any other question do not hesitate to contact us!

Kind regards & have a great start to the new week,



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