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I have DSL S option (8 mbit/s), but the actual speed is 500 kB/s ( 4 mbit/s), what might be the reason?

observing data transfer it goes up to 534 kB/s then down to 505 kB/s then up again to 534 kB/ -

so it is definitely limited by some network node. It is not my router, now I have HomeBox, which is the second one, with the previous there was the same problem visible. I am guessing it is a device splitting the signal between residents in the house I live.



This may be a normal behaviour as the connection speed depends on the line length. If your house is too far from the outdoor access point, you won't get the desired download. Please note that the 8 mbit/s value is stated as "up to", so the actual speed may vary. Maybe an o2-moderator (username begins with o2_) will have a look at it and could try to optimize the connection a bit, but please stay patient, as this may take some days.

yeah, maybe,

the thing is that for over 2 years it was fine (1 - 1.2 MB/s), few weeks ago it went down to 50% of the original speed. Maybe there are more users in my house now and the bandwidth per house is the same as before, this would also result in lower speed, right?

I will reset the dsl port. Please try in a few minutes if the higher performance will be back.



didn't help.

Tried also with LAN cable, still 530 - 540 kB/s.

SpeedTest shows 4.5 MBit/s.

so, there is nothing that can be done to improve the speed?

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