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once more im terribly dissapointed by O2.

I have sent my kundigung to telefonica almost 3 weeks ago, which is supposed to be the official way to terminate a contract. In my written form I have explicitly stated my reasons of termination as well as official proof of my statements.

A colleague of yours contacted me 2 weeks ago by telephone to ask me why do I want to terminate my contract. I asked her if she was speaking english to explain better myself ( as I believe you should when you have to deal with customer service). Despite that fact i tried my best to communicate and i encouraged her to read my statement as the reason for wanted the termination was written in the form that I have already sent. She didnt understand me and I proposed to her to send me an email/mail with her questions.

Two weeks have passed, I still havent received anything back. Telephone line is also never working.

This is not the first time I am ignored by your colleagues. I had repetitive problems while i had another DSL-connection years ago on my name.

Please, check my statements and answer to me. I am a student and I really need to get over with my contract as there is no possibility to use my DSL-line from 1rst of November and I dont want to be paying for the rest of my contract.

Thank you in advance,

Dimitra Intzekara


Edit o2_Giulia: customer number deleted. Please don't post personal data in pubic.
Hello dimitra.intze,

I have taken a look into your issue. The extraordinary termination of your contract to an earlier date was rejected, but your contract will be cancelled by the end of the contract duration on February 6th 2019. In the case of an extraordinary cancellation, the fees for 3 months would have been charged, as your contract has a three months notice period. So you don't have any disadvantage now.

The confirmation was already sent to you, but our letters were returned. Please take care that your name can be found on the letter box/door bell. We will resend the confirmation to you.

Kind regards,

Dear Mrs Giulia,

thank you very much that you have personally taken the time to investigate my issue.

I would like to point out though that I find the decision extremely unfair as there is no possibility for me to use my connection for the rest of the contract. That decision has been taken by Berlin- studentenwerk and there is nothing I can do. That leaves me with paying the whole bill by myself until the end of the contract as the rest of the tenants do not want to pay for something which is provided with the room from 1st of November.

I do not know which can be considered an extraordinary case for termination if not mine. I had similar issues before and I had to pay for almost a year an unusable connection (We had 2 O2 connections in the same house which apparently was not possible, despite one of your colleagues telling us that it would be ok, you can search my previous contract to believe my statements).

As for the return of the letter box I fixed the issue immediately once you sent me a notification (2 days ago).

I would kindly ask you to revise my case and inform me further.

I await for your answer and thank you once again for your time,

Have a nice day,

However annoying this situation undoubtedly is for you, you need to appreciate that it is not o2's fault that you can no longer use your connection. If anything you should complain to Berlin Studentenwerk.

You can certainly write antother letter requesting a review of your case and a new decision. Perhaps you can include a letter from the Studentenwerk outlining the situation if you haven't already done so. Nobody here can make this decision though. However, as Guilia pointed out, you would in any case have to pay 3 months even if o2 were to consent to the early termination. As it appears your contract still only has this time left to run, you are not going to have any benefit from early termination.
Dear bs0,

the reason of my complaint is because I always have problems regarding my contract/ contract termination and constant loss of communication and misguidance.

As I have stated before I consider my case to be an extraordinary one and not one which I can somehow solve (studentenwerk only provided me with a statement and nothing more can be done).

Believing that a company as O2 cares and takes into account customer's needs and complaints I am asking for a reconsideration as I have been wronged before and now I am trapped in an inescapable situation.

I appreciate your time and advises but I would like a formal answer from an O2 employee who has looked into detail all my statements and complaints.

Have a nice day,

Hi Dimitra.

I am truley sorry but there is nothing more to add, Giulia explaned everything and there is nothing more to say.

Best Matze

thank you again for your answers.

I would like to ask if the cancellation process is ongoing already as I still haven't received anything on my mail so far.

Please let me know,

Have a nice day everyone,


my colleagues already send you the confimation letter in October 15th 2018. Everything is in progress by now.

Best Manga
Hello and happy new year,

I would like to know the status of my cancellation as I haven't been contacted by someone yet. When would it be? As far as I know the end of my contract is at the beginning of next month. Also should I return the modem?

Thanks in advance for any information,

Best Dimitra
Hi Dimitra

As Giulia told you your contract will be cancelled by the end of the contract duration on February 6th 2019.

You can create a return label for your router / modem via for free shipping.

Best Matze

Why was my Kuendegung accepted and my line shut down for two weeks then suddenly back on and locked into another 1 year contract!!??

I stated that I moved to an area that has no O2 reception!! it is clear that O2 needed to be dropped. I stated my reason, it was accepted by your colleague and then ignored! I cannot use your service, as it dose not exsist in southern Bavaria!

I am extreamly angry and dissapointed, I will escalate this issue.

Hello @0152xxxxxxx0,

let us write in one thread, otherwise it will get confusing.😉

