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Dear O2,

I have been a customer for three years and my contract ends in July. I do not wish to renew the contract further. Please can you tell me if it is enough to send the form that I found not the website or if there is any other information I need to send? The form says Mobilfunkvertrags but I can't find another one for DSL ones. Is there another one? The reason I do not wish to renew it is because I am going abroad but as I am not terminating my contract earlier than normal but rather just not renewing it, I believe extra proof is not needed but I would like to confirm. Also, do I send the form to the Hamburg address or the Nuremberg one?

I am trying to log in to the 02 app to see my receipt directly to see which pack I have but when I log in to the link through the email receipt it only shows my mobile phone package (no contract) not the internet DSL one. ID: T0010001B00000xxxxx769.

Thank you in advance for your answer.


Edit o2_Flo: ID anonymized.

If your contract term ends on July it will be too late now to terminate the contract normally as you have to give three months notice. Are you moving abroad permanently? In that case send a letter to o2 requesting early termination. You will have to include the same documents as stated on the form for early termination of mobile contracts.
Dear @Eleni12 ,

first of all, welcome to our forum. Nice that you have found the way to us. :-)

Wether you have a DE customer id, send the contract cancellation to:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

Überseering 33

22297 Hamburg

Fax: 01805 88 00 88 (0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,42 EUR/Min.)

Else to:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Fax: 01805 571 766 (0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,42 EUR/Min.)

When your contract ends before the End of August, it is too late for a regular contract cancellation and you have to do a contract cancellation because of moving abroad. You can use the mobile form and fill your landline number in. A proof for your move abroad is needed.

Do you have any questions about using our community? Then take a look at Neu in der o2 Community? Die wichtigsten Funktionen und Hinweise auf einen Blick. There you will find all the information you need to use!

Kind regards,

Dear Andrea,

Thank you very much for your response. Actually I saw my contract again and it expired last July 2018. It was for two years. So therefore it got automatically renewed so I am not sure which is the new expiration for 2019. Either way I want to clarify the following:

a) I do not have a new job yet abroad and I am going to stay with family. Is it ok if I send you a bank or new telephone invoice that has my new address abroad? In my country they do not have the so called Anmeldung registration etc.

b) the form you sent me is for mobile phones. Is it still valid for internet DSL?

Thank you in advance.

Dear @Eleni12 ,

for informations to your contract I need your landline number and your personal four-digit identification code. I'll write a private message from o2_Support to you.

The form is for mobile, yes. We don't offer one for DSL, so please just change mobile Phone number to landline number and send it to one of the addresses above.

This is needed for the contract cancellation based of moving abroad:

Withdrawal certificate from German residence (copy) and Registration certificate of foreign residence (copy) or a rental contract, employment contract, enrollment certificate abroad something like that.

Kind regards,

Hello @Eleni12 ,

so far, I have not received any feedback from you on my private message, has your concern been resolved elsewhere?

Kind regards,

Hi Andrea,

Sorry for the delay. I have been very busy with travelling for work and also the whole moving process! I had called O2 and they gave me different instructions. They said that as I am leaving abroad and this is not mobile but internet, I do not need to fill in any of the existing forms but just write a letter explaining that this is a special Kundigung as I am leaving and to send proof of the abmeldung or my new residence abroad. The man on the phone also said that I will not get charged three months. But the forms you suggested I fill in say I will be charged 3 months. Either way I faxed it to 02. I want to give you the password through the private message but for some reason can't reply to you through the private message. Can I add it here and you edit it afterwards?

Thanks a lot!

P.S. This is probably why I cannot respond to you: "Dieser Benutzer kann nur Privatnachrichten von Benutzern empfangen, denen er/sie folgt."
Dear @Eleni12 ,

you have only a certain period of time to answer us, so the possibility to answer was removed again. The o2_Support will follow you again.

Please don't post any private date (that includes your four-digit personal customer key) in this forum where everyone can see it.

Kind regards,


Hi Andrea,

Ok, then I will wait until O2 support follows me.

It says online that I can only get the Abmeldung a week before I leave. If I send you a paper from the local authority in my new country that confirms that is my new permanent address, can you accept that or do you only recognise the Abmeldung?
If I send you a paper from the local authority in my new country that confirms that is my new permanent address, can you accept that or do you only recognise the Abmeldung?

Both is needed. You were told here some weeks ago:

This is needed for the contract cancellation based of moving abroad:

Withdrawal certificate from German residence (copy) and Registration certificate of foreign residence (copy) or a rental contract, employment contract, enrollment certificate abroad something like that.

This doesn't solve the problem of how one can get the Abmeldung earlier to send it to you if they have to wait only one week before they leave the house. I, for example, don't need internet for the whole of August but now I have to pay for it. In fact, for all the other private matters that O2 asks info for (foreign residence, new employment contract etc), this is all now illegal to ask due to the new EU regulations as they breach privacy laws. Anyway, what does O2 care about where I am and where I work as long as I have left the country? Thankfully, I did some more research just a few hours ago and realised that in fact by law only Abmeldung is allowed to be asked.
In fact, for all the other private matters that O2 asks info for (foreign residence, new employment contract etc), this is all now illegal to ask due to the new EU regulations as they breach privacy laws.

No, it's not and you are totally wrong. To be frank and honest with you: its absolute nonsense what you write in this respect.

You should be aware of the fact, that you made a mobile contract for at least 24 months.

You now want to cancel the contract before the end of its term. So you have to send in certain documents. If you do not, the contract will not be ended prematurely.

Do whatever you think to do or don't.. You are a free man or woman, it's your choice and you have to bear the consequences, not me.
I just realised that you are not even from 02. Anyway, I think you may want to allow people to disagree with you. I read this in a forum and there was a reference to law regulations as well. And there are many things that I could respond to you e.g. that actually my contract was not like you said but anyway, I am not going to argue with a stranger who calls me 'totally wrong' and what I say 'nonsense'. Have a good weekend.
Dear Andrea,

Can you please delete my account from the 02 Community? I saw other threads here of people who also wanted to delete it are asking 02 to do it directly. I tried to find a way to delete it but could not. Thanks.
You are free to not send in the required documents for privacy reasons but then you must accept that o2 will not terminate the contract early. It is ultimately your decision and you want something from o2, not the other way around. It is therefore not illegal under German or EU law.
I just realised that you are not even from 02. Anyway, I think you may want to allow people to disagree with you. I read this in a forum and there was a reference to law regulations as well. And there are many things that I could respond to you e.g. that actually my contract was not like you said but anyway, I am not going to argue with a stranger who calls me 'totally wrong' and what I say 'nonsense'. Have a good weekend.

Feel free to disagree. I don't mind.

However, you are wrong.

By the way: I do not argue, I simply express my opinion.
@ Mod

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