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I left Germany last end of November and, as written here in some questions in the forum, I just downloaded the cancelation form in English, filled in and sent it together with my de-registration in Berlin (Abmeldung) certificate and a proof of job offer in Barcelona, where I came to live.

I only received an email in response yesterday, saying that my contract will be terminated on 06.03.2018 and that I'll be charged with a prorated amount till then. 

I read here that this would only be during 3 months after my contract termination request.

Can someone check the status of this in inform me what to do? I would like to cancel my contract as soon as possible, I'm ok on paying any prorated fee or something due to early cancelation, and of course I'll pay the pending amount for the mobile phone. If that is not possible, I would like to reduce my contract to the minimum monthly amount thill cancelation can be processed.

Thanks in advance,


Hello yeclense,

your cancelation is still in process. ☺️

It always takes some time. The cancellation has reached the company at the 2nd of December. If you haven't heard something of them at the beginning of January you can contact us here again.

Everything will be fine. ☺️

Kind regards,


Hi @o2_Jessica‌,

Not sure if they are trying to contact me in my O2 mobile number, I've seen some missed calls there but I barely have it active now. No email contact yet unfortunately.

Can I do something to help this going faster? Maybe provide my Spanish mobile number which will be active always?

I'm going to check that and contact you in a private message! ☺️

Kind regards,


Thanks for you nice and fast service Jessica!

You're always welcome!

Best wishes to you!

Jessica ☺️

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