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I signed up for o2 dsl one about 1 month ago

They told me I can use my line from 17th of January

But Its not working

I called hotline for about 100 times but there is NO ENGLISH support (they say there is but reaching them is like mession impossible:-D).

I sent a cancellation request to 01805880088 but no response

I sent many messages here, but no help

I have no idea what should I do

I feel like I'm abused

I should pay 40 euros per month for NOTHING and wait for hours on hotline which mostly disconnects me while doing process. 

Hi mhsaeedi ,

my colleagues have created a trouble ticket for your connection. Please connect your router to the telephone socket again. Lights up or flashes the "DSL" LED now?



Hi Christian

My German colleague talked to support today and they told him they'll call me at 9pm but it's 10 and still no call, this happened for 2nd time during last week. 

And I also didn't go to work in till 2pm 2 times in last 2 weeks so may be I can talk to someone to solve my problem

And from next week I have to go to Deutsch classes after work,  and I can't be home in till 10pm

Please help me, please solve my problem or at least let me terminate the contract 

I swear to god I'll post my story to all English speaking forums and Facebook pages in whole Germany if my problem doesn't solve.

Kind Regars,


If that makes you feel better. Nobody cares what you post on Facebook etc. and it is hardly going to solve your problem. What might help is you answering Christian's question. He is trying to help you!

Dear Christian

Thank you for your response.

Two lights are permanently on, they don't blink



Other lights are permanently off. They don't blink or turn on. They are just off


Dsl  socket is connected 

I'm connected to modem via my laptop. On url I entered my password and login to modem os .

In Path:

Internet>> Zugangsdaten

I chose O2 and entered Internet password and username and then clicked on Ubernehmen


after pressing okthis happens:

and some other files which might be helpful:

Kind regards,


#//: Zwei Fotos entfernt, da Rufnummer und Zugangsdaten ersichtlich


I see you've spoken with my colleagues in the meantime.

For final troubleshooting, a technician's visit at your home is required and you have already agreed to a appointment for next Wednesday.




Yes, and thank you for taking the time.

Kind regards,



I had an appintment for today, from 8 to 14

I didnt go to work and stayed at home today, but no body showed up, no call, nothing happend.

What should I do now



Hi all

I've faxed my request for cancellation at January the 27th to 01805 880088

Since my running date was January the 17th , I could still cancel my contract.

So I was wonderingif you could tell me the status of my cancellation request.


MohammadHossein Saeedi


Could someone possibly help me ?

I need to :

      Cancel my contract

if not possible :

      Fix my problem 



Interesting, I complain at 10:14PM at night, while I'm in bed, trying to sleep and in less than 4 minutes o2 support is here to get their revenge , but when I say my problem, hours pass, days pass,  weeks pass and there is nobody here to give me a short answer ☺️ 

Every time you add a new comment here you send your issue to the end of the queue. A forum is not suitable if you are looking fior fast answers as a response can take several days.

It also is not possible to reach English speaking operators on the hotline , because if I call them , it takes about 90 minutes to reach them(I should wait twice) and most of the time o2 kicks me out of the line after 60 or 70 minutes and I have to do the process again.

take into account that I can call them only from 11 to 13 so I have at most 2 tries per day. 

If I want to speak about contract, It's even worst.

If I post here no  one answers

if there is an answer, it's pointless after all because you  give promeses but you are not men of your words.

I had two appointment for calling, and nobody called

I had 1 appointment for technician to come in my flat , and nobody showed up

I took 2 days off for just solving this problem based on your promises and nothing happened

If it was just internet I didnt care but Im new in Munich, I need to buy car and sofa and bed and furniture and tv and carpet and frige and ... 

You have no idea how difficult is my situation right now

And please dont take it personal, but I need internet and  I'm stuck with you guys, I can't fix my problem, I can't get rid of you, because if I want to make another contract I have to cancel this one first. I really have no idea what should I do.

I can not waste my time anymore.

you do not provide a dsl line , you do not answer phone calls, you do not answer to chat, you do not answer to forum.

I'll go with a lawyer and I'll put my story in all English speaking communities in Germany, not only once but every weekend, I'll refresh my links. I hope less people fall in trap like me

Did you read what I wrote yesterday? With every new comment you write you delay a response from o2 here. And a forum is not the appropriate platform for quick responses in real time.

If you are not interested in waiting any longer for a response here, can this thread be closed then?

If o2 is not providing you with a service you have paid for, write to them, give them 14 days notice to resolve your issue, and then you can terminate the contract immediately for due cause. As long as none of this is your own fault that is the correct way to proceed. You can pay for a lawyer to help you with that if you wish, but maybe a friend can write the letter in German for you?

Incidentally, nobody cares what you write on Facebook or in other (English-speaking) only communities. But if that makes you feel better...

Thank you for your kind and fast response, and for the guide.

Be sure that many people care about other people's experiences and my experience will definitely change their decision and to be honest, Yes it really makes me feel better, not because of revenge or any other childish reason but duo to prevent other people to fall in such a trap

Is it possible to send fax? could you possibly give me the address where I should send my notice letter? and fax number? 

and please DO NOT take my complains personal.

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