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Dear community,

I have recently become an O2 cistomer and now have a o2 HomeBox 6641.

I have problems running more than 4 devices at the same time. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to change this in the settings?

Thanks in advance.


I have recently become an O2 DSL customer and have a o2 HomeBox 6641.

I have problems running more than 4 devices at the same time. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to change this in the settings? I have searched extensively but can not find information on this.

Thanks in advance.

As far as I know, there is no limit to the gadgets that can run with this homebox. I can run far more than four on my 6641. 

What do the gadgets tell you when failing to connect?

Dear Omikron,

Thanks for your interest in trying to help.

The devices simply do not connect to the network. If I disconnect one then another will connect immediately.

It is strange and frustrating but I have not yet given up hope.

Hello @DonkeyKong,

how are these devices connected? Are they using a cable-based LAN connection or are they connected via WiFi?

Maybe it helps if you for example rename the different WLAN-networks, that the Homebox generates, so you can use the 2.4GHz network with some devices and the 5GHz network with a different name with other devices?



Dear all,

Thanks for your responses.

I have tried changing all the things that o2_Lars mentioned but to no avail. I then realised that the devices I was trying to connect did not support the type of encryption 'offered' by the O2 modem and will therefore not connect.

I will have to update my software, and possibly some hardware if I want those devices to connect in the future!

Dear DonkeyKong,

have you been able to solve the issue by now? If not, let me know. ☺️

Kind regards,


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Dear o2_Ubbine,

The initial problem diagnosis was incorrect. It was the devices that could not connnect due to them running old/outdated encryption compared with what this router offers. Unfortunately it will not be solved in my case.

The device/s I was trying to connect can not be updated anymore without serious effort (which it is not worth).

It is a shame as they worked with other routers provided by other telecoms providers.

Moin Moin,

i think it is a shame that other provider hast router with outdated protocols...

That will weak you local network! 

If you using this devices that buy a WLAN access point that if supporting (the protocols) what you a need!

You can connect that AP additional to you net work. And if non of you "old" devices are working you can switch it off.

And you will have a more secure net work again.

And if you do not like the O2 router, you can buy a router that more suits your needs.

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