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How can I cancel my "Travel Day Pack" and "Roaming Day Pack"? I'm trying to cancel it on the website for about 40 minutes now. 

Please O2, bitte. Please cancel the "Travel Day Pack" and "Roaming Day Pack" from my account. It seems to be impossible to cancel it from my account through the website. It says "abbestellbar zum 14.01.2017".


PS: Check screenshot


A bit pissed off busy customer.

Are you shure? 

Day pack prevent you for paying hundrets of euro for being accounted by minute or Kb data.

If you don´t use it there are no cost.

Absolutely! I don't need the service. Thanks! And please do not include any automatic service which turns ON after my basic 200MB is over. Just the normal 10 euro service per month, please.

I was thinking to visit the O2 people in my city, but is it possible here to cancel it (in other words, are you from O2 and can you cancel it for me, here?)


You can do this yourself in the customer portal. The Datenautomatik (automatic extra data) can be deactivated. To deactivate the roaming pack you just need to choose another option for using your phone abroad. There has to be one option active. As Denner already said: Do this at your own risk because if your phone goes on,ine abroad and you have no pack you will be charged per minute. The Daypack doesn't cost anything if you never use it and is the safest option.

If I can do it by myself, could you please post a link over here? I tried to search one, I couldn't find. Additionally, how does the day pack get activated? Automatically, after the 200 MB is over? Coz, I don't remember turning it ON the last month. 

Additionally, how does the day pack get activated? Automatically, after the 200 MB is over? Coz, I don't remember turning it ON the last month but still I got a large rechnung. 

Oh wait, Datenautomatik? I don't remember I ordered an automatic service to be turned ON. I always an extra 2 euro data pack. What?

Can I deactivate the Datenautomatik, please??? 

I'm sorry! I still don't get the option to deactivate the datenautomatik. I'll show you page by page. Please point out the place where I will be able to "deactivate".

Edit (bs0): Screenshot entfernt (Datenschutz)

I really have to eat something and I cannot sit here to wait for someone to respond after every 40-50 minutes for every comment. Why can't I call for God sake?????

This is a forum and not a chat platform. Good question. Why can't you?(????) 

I have removed the screenshot in your previous post because this a public forum and you probably don't want the whole world seeing your personal data.

Let's not go into a stupid conversation. I'd have deleted it my info once you had answered me (i knew there is a delete button). The one thing which I expected you to answer me is, where is the BUTTON to DEACTIVATE. 

Rudeness is going to get you nowhere. You maybe don't realise that you are in a discussion forum in which o2 customers try to help each other. Nobody here has to reply to you. Also: posting personal details is in breach of the forum terms and conditions. The direct link has already been posted here. If it is not available in your account then you probably don't have the Datenautomatik in your contract.

As you feel this is a stupid conversation, I suggest you go to an o2 shop or call the hotline. If you do so, perhaps rethink your attitude first.

I am out of this unpleasant conversation. 

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