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i am leaving Germany with this in two weeks. The decision what all of sudden and urgent. I am going to close my bank accounts and contracts before i go back to my country. I have a contract of iPhone 5s with tariff with O2 utill july 2016. i want to pay remaining money of my mobile phone. can you please tell me how can i do this with in a week.

Thank you

Hallo @anuj‌,

you have the possibility to pay all your open rates for your mobile phone at once. In your online selfcare area you can request to do that.

For your contract/ tariff I'm going to send you a form to your e-mail address which you have to fill and send back to us with all the required documents. Than the company will handle all that und let you know if everything is okay for quitting the contract. But that is a process that will take much longer than a week and we can't make that happen faster. When you're already leaving Germany in a week the only possibility is to not close the bank account so that everything can go on, otherwise you will have debts. Or you find someone here in Germany who will do all the payments etc. from their bank account. For that you would also have to change the bank details etc. from your data. For changing the bank details to another person, who is not the owner of the contract, you need to send a written form to o2 which includes the new person and the bank details, and a signature from you as the contract owner, and the other person as the owner of the bank account (also of course for which number, customer number etc.).

With kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

thank you for your reply.

I will pay the remaining installment of the phone directly. I am waiting for the form that your are going to send me in my email address for my contract termination ☺️

my email address is ******************

for my mobile phone payment i have payed 18 installments and remaining is 6. I have payed 541 euro including this month and should pay 180 euro for the complete payment. but in the online portal,total payment till date is 511 euro and remaining amount to pay is 210 euro.

Why is so???

Can you please check it once.

THank you ☺️

edit o2_Jessica: Deleted the e-mail address for privacy. Public forum.

Hello @anuj

I already sent you the form on the 7th but I did it again now. Please check your e-mails, also your spam folder.

When you apply for the pre-cancellation of your contract and it gets confirmed you have to pay 3 times the basis charge as I know. It doesn't matter how much is open until the normal end of the contract.

Please remind that it really takes time until they confirm the cancellation. So make sure that everything works out with you bank account etc.

Kind regards,


Thank you for the information.

I am really very sorry that i gave you wrong email address. the correct one is *****************

Can you please send me the cancellation form in this address.

thank you ☺️

edit o2_Jessica: Deleted the e-mail address for privacy. Public forum.

Hello @anuj‌,

ok, no problem.

Now I've sent it to the other address.

Kind regrads,

Jessica ☺️

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