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Hello all,

Could someone give me some advice please regarding possible reasons why my O2 DSL connection will not work? the connection shows on my devices with full signal, telekom engineer came 19th October to install telephone line, he told me I needed to wait one hour and everything would be live...but of course this was not the case!! Telephone is connected through fritzbox 7490, it has a dial tone but no number can be called from or received to the phone. Fritzbox has GREEN solid lights. Have no chance of getting through to O2 for any support, even now you cannot email!!! If someone could help in anyway I would be very grateful.

Can you turn the plug 180 degrees?  Looks wrong ( or the TAE is wrong )

Hello many thanks for your reply ☺️  I thought this also! But have tried to turn and fit the correct way up but it doesnt confusing....I will try this again. Thanks so much. have a nice day.


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