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I have ordered my DSL contract with o2 since October last year, however I was able to receive the service until end of November, it worked smoothly until the end of December, when it suddenly stopped working and the DSL light in the modem turned off, I connected the yellow cable to the computer and in the page the connection was not recognized. I called the customer support but maybe because of the christmas season I couldn't reach anybody, it was only until last week that I could get in touch with some people (3 out of 7 times I called), the rest I waited for 45min until the call was ended by itself waiting for the english department to answer. They asked me to reset the modem, disconnect the DSL cable from the wall for some measurement and the problem was tried to be solved by sending a new modem (the one I had was just 1 month old) so of course, it was not the problem and I still don't have internet. The bill of this month is already programmed to be charged to my account tomorrow although I haven't received the service for it and I think the new modem is also charged, since I see an extra charge. Today I called again and the same happened (redirected to the english department, 45min of waiting without answer). So I would like to kindly ask you if there is a way to cancel my contract and get my money back, the modems I got are new and I can send the back.

Thank you.



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