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Warum O2

I made an extensive call to a non-geographic number (was trying to reach my bank), incredibly stupid but I for some reason though i'd be safe since it was an 03 number and not 08. Anyway my question is, could you see how much this call costed and in that case send me a proof of it so I can contact my bank (the said they'd recuperate me since I was on the line for 38 minutes and no one picked up..) and get the money back.

the number I called to was +44 345 xxxxxx8

[edit: just to be on the safe side, the number called has been made anonymous. o2_Jan]
Hi @EddieBerggren,

I can see that your account settings enable an itimized bill (which has the catchy and easily pronounceable name "Einzelverbindungsnachweis" in German 🙂 ).

So with your upcoming bill in March, you can check said itimized bill in the "Rechnung" section of your Mein o2 account (or the Mein o2 app) by clicking on "Einzelverbindungen" just below the "Rechnungen herunterladen" button.

That's where every call that is not covered by flatrates will be listed and shown.

Best regards,


Haha thank you!!

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