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My family and I are leaving Germany on Dec 17th and need to cancel our contract. I'm aware we need to fill out a form (can you send please?), send the de-register letter and a "foreign domicile alternatively a confirmation from employer or landlord". Like many here, it is not possible to register in the USA so can you please explain exactly what would work instead? What exactly does a "confirmation from landlord" letter look like, what should it say or show?

Thanks so much.


I copy my answer that I also posted some minutes ago here: 

For a cancellation because of moving abroad you have to send in the form (you find it attached here with my answer).

When you open that document you also find the other information and forms that you have to hand in- the deregistration form of your place of residence, a registration form of your new home town (as you said this is not possible the following will be what you'll have to hand in) or a confirmation of your new employer, as well as an agreement letter that o2 is allowed to charge 3 months basic fees as a replacement.

Don't you have another confirmation of your place of residence in the USA? Actually for me it's very unthinkable that you don't have any written paper that confirms your place of residence. 😊 The confirmation of your landlord would be the same- a confirmation about your apartment or house that confirms that you're living there. I guess every landlord knows what you're asking for when you do so ☺️

Otherwise the alternative is a confirmation of your employer about your work, so just a confirmation about the date when you're going to start working there again.

Kind regards & have a great evening,

Jessi ☺️

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