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Warum O2

First of all I am going to write in English and I hope someone would answer in English as well.

I have my prepaid card, smart M, almost for 6 months now but I want to change the name on the contract. When I arrived to Germany someone helped me to buy the card on his name but now we have no contact at all and I would prefer to change the name to my name if possible.

Is there any possible way to do it without the other person being present, I have the original contract and the card as well.

Thanks in advance for your help.


You need to complete this form and tick the box "Hiermit versichere ich, dass mir der bisherige Vertragsinhaber unbekannt ist und ich im Besitz der SIM-Karte bin." = I hereby confirm that i do not know the previous contract holder and confirm that the card is in my possession.

Thanks for the reply.

And that"s all?

What"s the address that I should send this form to and how long it can take to have the name changed?

Do I need to send an ID copy too?

Thanks again.

Hello @Sam87‌,

yes, that is all.

The address you find oh the form (right corner on the top).

No, there is no need to send a copy of your ID.

Kind regards,

Jessica ☺️

Many thanks.

Have a nice weekend ☺️

Does this link still working?

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