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I changed my direct debit account, my new bank notified them of my new IBAN, but my bank account has not been debited, I also changed address which means I might not be getting any post letter from o2.How do I update my address and how can I verify if o2 has received my change of IBAN notification.
You can check and update details in the App or in the customer portal.

For a while now, When I try to access my bill or information, I get this error message
Dear @Titilayo,

in order to help you with your request, I need your mobile phone number and your personal customer ID. I'll send you a private message from o2_Support.

Kind regards,


Hello @Titilayo ,

so far, I have not received any feedback from you on my private message, has your concern been resolved?

Kind regards,

Resolved, Thanks

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