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Warum O2
Hello there,

I was unfortunately forced to leave Germany on very short notice the other day due to a family emergency and was unable to find the time to cancel my O2 DSL contract before I left. I would like to do so now, although I am no longer in Germany, and would be happy to pay any cancellation fee.

Could somebody please provide a link to a cancellation form for O2 DSL internet, and the address I should send this form to? I will of course also send proof that I am no longer living in Germany.

Another question: As I am no longer renting in my German flat any more, there is now a new person renting the flat and they would like to open an internet contract but cannot do so because my contract is still in effect. Is there a way to get O2 to immediately shut off the internet DSL service in the flat I was living? I should be able to send everything needed to cancel the contract in the next few days.

All best,

Hello sveinbjornt,

best of vibes to you and your family in this situation, I hope all comes out well.

In order to cancel your contract, we need a written cancellation from you. To cancel your contract out of good will to an earlier date, we also require copies of the following documents:

- a deregistration certificate of your present place of residence in Germany

- a notification of your new, foreign domicile

alternatively a confirmation of your employer or landlord

We also need your approval for us to charge you the all-inclusive basic fee for 3 months, as your contract has a notice period of 3 months.The exact amount of the fee will be notified in a separate letter.

Please send the cancellation and the documents to

Telefónica o2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

As soon as we have received the documents, we will cancel your contract to the next possible date.

If you also recieved a DSL router from us it has to be sent back. You will find all necessary information on our DSL Logistcs portal.



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