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Warum O2
Hallo, Im a student who was studying in germany for the past 3 years and now I completed my studies and have been back to india (my home country). How can i cancel my o2 contract ? I have already faxed a cancellation letter to o2 customer service and yet to receive a reply from o2. Kindly help.

Kunden nummer - 6022528122

Hi @baala89 

I realize that it the answer is beyond overdue, so I'd like to apologize for that.

As far as the contract is concerned, since you were already contacted I am guessing you are aware that the cancellation is in our systems and your contract is set to be deactivated on October 19, 2017.

Kind regards, Nico

o2 Free - Freedom is limitless

Hi Nicolas ,

Thankyou for your reply. Is there any possibility to cancel this contract before October 19,2017 possibly by end of this month? . I have completed my studies and got job in India. I dont use the O2 card anymore. I once contacted the O2 representative who told me that it is possible for students to cancel their contracts provided they leave germany and have no obligation to return back. Is there any procedure to do so kindly let me know. I can provide the relevant proof if needed.



Yeah, there generally is, but at this point it won't make any difference for you. If you are leaving the country, you can get a special cancellation for your contract, but it is not limmediate, the contract will remain for 3 months. As your contract is up in October, it is even earlier.

Kind regards, Nico

o2 Free - Freedom is limitless

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