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Warum O2
Hi, I am moving back to Sweden and want to cancel both by DSL contract and Mobile Contract. How do I do this? And what's the rules?


Dear markusohrn,

please use this Link for your mobile contract, there you'll find a letter with instructions what you can do, fill out the form and send to us, either by post or fax:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG


90345 Nürnberg

Fax: 01805 571 766 (0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,42 EUR/Min.)

For your DSL contract please write a letter with your customer number, name and address and your will of contract cacellation because of moving to another country to this address:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

Überseering 33

22297 Hamburg

Fax: 01805 88 00 88 (0,14 EUR/Min. aus dem dt. Festnetz, Mobilfunk max. 0,42 EUR/Min.)

You have to pay three month further on, when you want to cancel the DSL contract before regular cancallation, also when you move abroad.

kind regards,


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